Quality Nurse Consultants

Quality Nurse Consultants

Quality Nurse Consultants

“Sometimes, the only thing holding us back is ourselves.”  This comment from a friend lit the fire for me to create Quality Nurse Consultants, even though at the time, I had no idea how to build a business.  What I did have was the purpose, skills, and credentials to fill a need in the community. So I bootstrapped, learning as I went along.  Landing agreements in Washington and Oregon, during 15+ years, I taught 3000+ students to provide quality care for elderly and disabled residents in community based settings, using my own 48 hour Adult Family Home Administrator Training Curriculum as well as the state created courses.

Five years into the training business, I opened and operated Wisteria Gardens, my own elder care facility.  After 10 years, it was time for change and growth.  Noticing global mobile communication trends, I began to focus on internet media and marketing for business, and holistic healing for personal growth.  Now, I combine the two, offering online media services for select clients, and giving back by leading others through processes designed to help them create a beautiful life by design.

Operation Desert Rose

Operation Desert Rose

Operation Desert Rose by Jo Lyn Cornelsen

My sixth grade teacher saw my gift of writing – first evidenced by the original poetry I brought to her.  She posted my collection on a bulletin board and told me to never ever stop writing. Poetry has given way to other forms of writing – journal entries, sticky notes, web copy, editing, resumes, curriculum, technical manuscripts, letters, emails, newsletters, social media posts – some hastily scribbled, some artfully crafted.

Operation Desert Rose, my “great American novel”, was written mostly while in my pajamas with a baby on my lap. Inspired by friends who served in the first Persian Gulf War, writing it was an adventure and labor of love that became a tribute to those who served.  The story spans three continents, multiple cultures – and more than two hearts.

Excited, I sent it to 30 publishers. A few responded. “We don’t publish anything set in that part of the world.” “We don’t do adventure novels.” “Sorry, we don’t do romance.” “No thanks, we don’t publish intrigue.” “Can’t do anything military based.” I told my husband I could probably re-write it publish in about 12 years.  I boxed up the manuscript, set it on a shelf, and went on living real life.  Years later – the internet changed the publishing world – and now, after a couple  re-writes, Operation Desert Rose is published.  Does that make me a “great American author”?  What it would take to get this story on the “big screen”? If you read it… I’d love some feedback.

Years ago, I would wake up some mornings with complete story lines for novels in my head.  For years, those plots were quickly obliterated by daily priorities and obligations – but no worries – I feel a new season for writing coming soon… it’s just round the corner…

Discover Your Sacred Gifts

Discover Your Sacred Gifts

Your Sacred Gifts

Early on in my holistic healing process, I took a wonderful course called “Discover Your Sacred Gifts”.  Now, I am certified to lead it. Revisiting the course was revealing – my gifts had not changed, but having transitioned to a new life season, I find I am using my sacred gifts differently.

This insightful personal growth training illuminated aspects of my individuality that I had often dismissed as unimportant, because they appeared unhelpful in my efforts to follow what other people viewed as “proven paths to success”.  I learned that rather than being random characteristics, these aspects are actually my own unique set of spiritual gifts.  I like to call them “Soul Strengths”, because they reside in you on your soul level.

You came into this world with your own unique set of spiritual gifts, designed to help you fulfill your life’s mission.  They are like power tools inside you.  When activated, these gifts empower you to do things with extraordinary grace, accomplishment and ease.  I encourage you to “Discover Your Sacred Gifts” and begin to make life choices that help you feel more free, more on-purpose, and more in-joy.

TLC International Foundation

TLC International Foundation


Help Heal the World

Have you ever had something in your heart calling out to be expressed, that has been within you through your whole life… whatever road you traveled?  That’s what was behind the creation of TLC International Foundation.

As a child – I organized my band of little brothers to lay down and play hospital  – where the only treatment was squares of toilet paper perched on their noses. That venture was short lived – they blew the tissues up into the air and ran outside… but I naturally became the go-to person for bandaids, ice packs and splints. Much later, healing became my profession.   TLC International Foundation, a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization, provides structure for contributing in the community. Plus – it is set up to serve as an “umbrella” for your projects while your non-profit organization is awaiting IRS approval.


“Empowered Families Working Together to Create Financial Solvency, Optimal Health, and Positive Functional Relationships.”


“Provide Value Based Training, Experiences, Opportunities and Hope.”


“Each Soul is of Infinite Worth, Life Experience is Purposeful, Growth is a Continual Process, Truth Empowers Us, We Create Our Quality of Life”

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