Ancestral Clearing
Ancestral Clearing: Clearing Away the Unseen Forces and Soul Contracts that Affect our Daily Lives
This morning, I experienced an unusually ferocious wave of anger at finding myself in the middle of multiple urgent problems, both of which are complicated issues requiring hours of resolution time, none of which were of my making, and for which there is no possibility of compensation…
A veritable vortex of madness ensued…
Anger that “I had to do it all myself”…
Furious that it seems that I am somehow
always made responsible to resolve other people’s issues…
Anger that “Life is always such a struggle”…
Blankety-blank mad that the tough stuff all falls to me…
In frustration hit the wall with my hand
(I know, totally uncharacteristic, right? I never do stuff like that!)
In the middle of my verbal tirade… I stopped…
looked wide-eyed at my husband, and we both said…
“There is something deeper going on here.”
In conscious recognition that my reaction was out of proportion to the problem,
and that there was an immense underlying energetic tidal wave expressing itself through me…
In that moment of awareness of unseen forces affecting my behavior,
I retreated to another room and did an energetic check…
Not surprisingly, I discovered this life event had triggered
five million, three hundred twenty one thousand, one hundred and eleven
ancestral emotions of struggle and pain. (Yes, that number is 5,321,111),
all being expressed through my anger and frustration.
Grateful for my energy clearing skills, I applied my SoulTalk process…
Releasing the old Soul Contract of struggle and pain for millions of ancestors and others all over the world…
Sending it all to the light…
Dissolving the old soul contracts that imprisoned human-kind in the bondage of unconscious awareness for millennia…
I get a mind’s-eye visual of all this negative energy
appearing before the bar of God and it dissipates…
in the twinkling of an eye…
I breathe deeply in relief as the tirade of emotion evaporates out of me…
My natural state of calmness returns…
And with it, my natural sense of inner joy prevails.
The worldly problems that triggered this tidal wave of emotion still await my attention.
But it is okay for me to allow specialists to take care of these issues.
I don’t have to do everything myself.
Life no longer has to be a struggle.
Calmness abides.
My spirit speaks to me…
It seems there is something else to attend to…
One last energetic check in…
A few wayward entities are trying to take advantage
of this huge energy shift to attach themselves to me.
Are they good for me?
Can I send them away?
I use my prayerful meditative process,
calling upon the Light of Christ which is endowed in me
(and in every human being upon their entry into this world of sorrows),
to cast these wayward entities out and away from me,
never to return,
sending them into the stewardship of Divine Light.
Let God be the judge.
Let me be whole.
Peace returns.
One simple phone call (to a specialist)
and three of today’s urgent issues are on their way to resolution.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With God, all things are possible.
“Whenever any difficulty seems to rise, tell yourself quickly: Let me recognize this problem so it can be solved.” – A Course in Miracles
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