Two Worries and One Knowing
Two Worries and One Knowing
This morning I said Goodbye to Two Worries…
Two Worries that have colored my world
For as long as I can remember…
And that’s a very, very long time.
I did not realize that these are just worldly worries…
I did not realize how heavy they were to carry…
Nor how many decisions I could have made differently…
And how many more amazing experiences I could have enjoyed…
Had I not ignorantly enlisted these worries as life-long companions.
Because I carried the worries,
I created a world that included them…
A world of efforting and struggle against those two worries…
Which compounded them into four worries…
And those into more worries…
And on, and on, and on.
Now I see how truly useless these worldly worries are….
And, now that truth has become evident to me,
I also see that I can lay them down as easily as I picked them up,..
I can surrender these worldly burdens and simply let them go.
This morning I said Goodbye to Two Worries.
Then asked,
Without these Two Worries,
What am I?
Who am I?
Why am I?
The answer comes readily.
It’s my One Knowing.
The One Knowing
That has been my companion for longer than I can remember.
That One Knowing
Is simply…
To Love.
The One Knowing is…
Love without judgment.
Love without worry.
Love without fear.
The One Knowing is…
Joyful Love.
Pure Love.
Simple Love.
Just BE the Love you wish to see in the World.
– A SoulTalk message from Jo Lyn
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