“I Have the Power!”

“I Have the Power!”

“I have the power!”

My 5 year old loved the toy action figures of “He-Man” and the other “Masters of the Universe”. I have a new perspective of that phrase now that I’ve been studying energy medicine, other natural holistic healing methods, the mechanism of the law of attraction and sacred spiritual gifts.

Recently, I had the opportunity to practice what I’ve been learning.

Walking into a public building before the office opened, I “passed through a gauntlet” of people already waiting in line, and heard a plethora of loud angry voices blaming the establishment, the neighbor, the landlord, the prison time, and everything else they could think of … rather than themselves… for their situation in life. Too much information!

I was grateful for the quiet strength of my husband at my side, and as we took our place behind them, I tried to not hear their words by attempting to focus on a digital number game.  It was futile.  We were subjected to a loud recounting of stories of fear, scarcity, theft, retaliation, anger and how they felt justified in taking the law into their own hands and causing bodily harm to others.

The negative energy was oppressive and beginning to spiral out of control. My husband was unaffected. He has a more broad worldly experience than I, as he worked in a prison setting for 14 years. But this focused, almost threatening energy affected me negatively. I couldn’t think.  I couldn’t even speak. As the angry words became louder and louder, I began to feel overwhelmed and short of breath.

Until I remembered that “I have the power”.

I have the power to react or to respond
to whatever situation I encounter.
I have the power to create my own reality.
I am a “master of my own universe”.

And so, I quietly began to use the spiritual and emotional processes I have learned and gathered and developed, to defuse the anger and change the energy.

First, I turned on Wholetones healing music as a calm support.
I kept the volume low.  It was imperceptible amid the raised voices, but the music helped me calm my own energy responded beautifully and I felt strong again.

Then silently, in meditative prayer I reached up to the Heavens and requested that Divine Light and Love become present and touch the hearts of all who were in that experience… I visualized a pillar of bright golden-white light enveloping each soul, sending love to each and all…

And within moments, there were changes in the conversation.
Softer tones.
Understanding expressed.
Compassion shared.
Encouragement offered.
Quiet rest between comments.
A lighter feel in the space.
The negative energy cleared.
And no angry confrontations when the office doors opened.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It is done, It is done, It is done.

It is more true than you may sometimes think,
you are “Master of Your Own Universe”,
and “You have the Power” to reach up, to access divine help,
and send love and light to shift the energy in the world around you.

Jo Lyn

Intuition – Seeing Beyond the Veil

Intuition – Seeing Beyond the Veil

Intuition – Seeing Beyond the Veil

In an online group of intuitive energy workers, some were discussing their experiences of connecting and communicating with spirits of those who have gone before.  Communicating through your intuition and seeing beyond the veil is a very sacred gift… and like many of our gifts, we may have it, but remain unaware of it.  And when the existence of life beyond the veil presents itself to us, it may feel frightening because we don’t remember being in that state ourselves – but it doesn’t have to be.  Because you and I, spirits in physical bodies, are so blessed.  Every day, we exercise our power of creation – that divine gift given from God to us for our sojourn here on earth.  There is a purpose for our lives. We each have a mission and gifts to give while we are here. In part, that purpose, mission and gifts are for us, for our own growth and learning.  And in part, we are blessed with these things for the purpose of helping those we share this world with.

Here are some of my own experiences of Seeing Beyond the Veil, which I shared with my group.

On one occasion I visually saw my husband’s grandmother – a beautiful, sacred experience related to finding the family history records, which we had previously been told did not exist.

On a couple other occasions, I felt the spirits of people I know in real life who had passed on. One was a student of mine who got herself into compromising circumstances, and she came to tell me she was sorry… though she had never offended me – she only had betrayed herself. The other was a former eldercare client who passed away in a nursing home. After his passing, at 2:00 am, he came to tell me thank you for the kindnesses he received while in my care. I didn’t see these spirits, but I felt their presence and knew intuitively what they wanted to tell me. Days later their families/associates informed me of their deaths.

On another occasion, when we moved back into the house that had been our elder care home, and where I had assisted many individuals at the end of their lives, I was overwhelmed with the residual energies and even wayward spirits still inhabiting the place. I was weak and full of fear, and wouldn’t go into the bathroom where I had done so many physical caregiving tasks… until one day, walking down the hall, I heard in my mind my Grandmother Fern’s voice – she said very pragmatically, “Jo Lyn, you live here now. You can either live with it dirty or you can clean it up.”… I sighed and said OK. Then tackled the task later that day. In 10 minutes it was clean and the energy had changed.

When my father passed away, I saw a vision of him as a young man, dressed in the clothing he would have worn in the 1920’s – suspenders and all – flying a kite with his brother who had been still born… and who looked to be around 9 or 10 years old.

Since I have discovered I am an empath, and learned to work with energy, my father has “visited” on several occasions… letting me know he is here by giving me a pain in my right shoulder/arm. When I feel that, I muscle test and confirm that he is visiting, decipher the message and/or request… usually he asks for me to release a stuck emotion for him. Then he’s gone…

There is more, but enough for now.
Thank you for reading this post and for all your responses. I know I am not alone in this gift of sometimes being able to communicate on both sides of the veil. I pray that we all use this gift for good – not in fear, but in love.

We have been blessed to experience this physical life – we can have the most profound spiritual experiences when our spirits are fully “seated” in our bodies. And we should enjoy being in the here and now.

There are myriads of energies and entities all around us… much like there are vibrational sound and light waves that allow us to receive wireless communication via technology.

We get what we focus on. If we focus in fear or on always trying to clear spirits or entities, more will always show up for us to clear. Instead, if we focus on filling our lives with Christlike loving kindness and becoming authentically whole ourselves – with our own souls in alignment with divine will and receiving the blessings of the Atonement for our own salvation, then all these other distractions and fears will be resolved and drop away.

Jo Lyn Cornelsen

Grateful for What Is Not

Grateful for What Is Not

Grateful for What is NOT

28 Day Gratitude Practice: Counting My Blessings Day 13
Today was a very full day.
I was so busy I did not have time to eat until late.
And I surely did not get enough water throughout the day.
No worries, I have some now.
Today I went from one amazing process of life transformation to another.
Changes seem to be coming faster and faster and faster.
I receive one and suddenly there are more…
More to be noticed, reviewed, accepted and appreciated.
I am certain they all received my invitation to arrive…
and just in the nick of time, here they all are…
But now, at the end of the day,
I am feeling quite frazzled…
Even perhaps a bit bedazzled…
So tonight, when I am counting my blessings,
which I had intended to count this morning,
I find myself most grateful for
“What Is Not”.
First and foremost, I am grateful that I am not a politician.
I attended a county commissioner meeting today,
learning about a process that will affect our property…
That whole process exhausts me.
Here’s 10 more “What Nots”:
I am not dead.
I am not hungry.
I am not too young.
I am not too old.
I am not too big.
I am not too small.
I am not afraid.
I am not without hope.
I am not without resources.
I am not alone.
I know there are many more.
But in this moment they have escaped my consciousness.
And tomorrow, after the reset of bountiful sleep,
I will be again able to remember how to focus on Gratitude for What Is.
But for now, I am Most Grateful for What is NOT.

I invite you to Join Us… and remember what you are most grateful for… and not.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It is done, It is done, It is done.
Gratitude for the People in My Life

Gratitude for the People in My Life

Gratitude for the People in My Life

28 Day Gratitude Practice
Counting My Blessings: Day 12 Gratitude for the People in My Life

Today I am full of gratitude for the people in my life who help me in so many ways…

1. Emotional sharing helps me feel soul connected and not alone on this journey of life, giving me a glimpse into eternal joy…
2. Technical support helps me be successful in my online work. Just yesterday I asked a technically gifted friend for some simple PC computer advice, and within 3 hours I had a new computer on my desktop, installed and functional… totally amazing!
3. Physical support gives me an arm to lean on when I need it. The status of my physical health and strength varies day to day. Sometimes I’m absolutely fine. Sometimes I feel a bit off balance. I so appreciate the kind patience of those I am close to – they seem to have an awareness of my needs and offer assistance without being asked. And they let me do it myself when I can.
4. I am grateful for my amazing clients! They appreciate my efforts on their behalf and the results they receive. It is a blessing to have work that I enjoy.
5. I am grateful for my Facebook friends. I know that when I feel a bit scattered, 10 minutes on my FB feed and I am inspired, calmed, encouraged, challenged and loved.
6. I am grateful for spiritual tools mentors who show me how to explore the path to be more fully present, more fully connected to divine spirit, to more easily flow through my life experiences awake, aware, and on purpose… without resistance or fear.
7. I am grateful for the trust I see in my grandchildren’s eyes, when they come to me for love, acceptance, encouragement, guidance, and faith… This is when I know I still have much to live for…
8. I am so grateful for this curious, divine experience of physical embodiment… that my eternal spirit has the opportunity to feel waves of emotion and explore what these emotions mean to me…
9. I am grateful that I can choose the emotions that I prefer. I have the power to simply turn away from that which I perceive as being a negative influence on me… and turning more fully toward that which feels supportive and joyful.
10. I am grateful that though I have lived a good number of years already, in some ways I feel my life is just beginning…

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
It is done, It is done, It is done.

Join with us on Facebook

A Magic Morning

A Magic Morning

28 Day Gratitude Practice Day 11

“When you wake up to the new day, before you do a single thing, say the magic words, ‘thank you.’ From the moment you open your eyes until you’ve finished getting ready, say the magic words, ‘thank you’ in your mind for everything you touch and use. “ – From “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne

Sharing your gratitude contributes to the positive energy on the planet.
Join our 28 Day Gratitude group and experience the shift.

Avocado Blessings

Avocado Blessings

Avocado Blessings

28 Day Gratitude Practice: Day 10 Counting My Blessings
I am convinced that there are at least 10 blessings in every thing that is.  Even something as simple as an avocado.  Here’s my list of Avocado Blessings…


  1. I am thankful for my avocado, that I have something fresh for breakfast…
  2. I am thankful for salt and pepper with which to season my avocado…
  3. I am thankful for the store where I bought the avocado…
  4. I am thankful for the people who work in the store and their careful handling of my avocado…
  5. I am thankful for the trucks that brought my avocado to the store.
  6. I am thankful for the people who drove the trucks to bring my avocado to the store…
  7. I am thankful for the avocado tree, that grew the fruit…
  8. I am thankful for the avocado farmer, who watched over the tree and the fruit…
  9. I am thankful for the earth that supported the avocado tree as it grew…
  10. I am thankful for the water the avocado tree drank…
  11. I am thankful for the sun that warmed the earth and the seed…
  12. I am thankful for the seed of the avocado, that it can sprout and become a new avocado tree and make more fruit to share…

Today, I am thankful for all that is.

It is done, it is done, it is done.
Over 100 people are contributing to the higher energy on the planet in this 28 Day Gratitude Practice.  We’d love to have you join in…




Magic Dust Everyone

Magic Dust Everyone

Magic Dust Everyone

28 Day Gratitude Practice, Day 10

“Today, sprinkle magic dust on ten people who perform services you benefit from, by thanking them directly or otherwise by mentally acknowledging and thanking them. Feel grateful to them for the service they perform!” – From “The Magic”, by Rhonda Byrne

Join us – 28 Day Gratitude Practice on Facebook

The Money Magnet

The Money Magnet

The Money Magnet

28 Day Gratitude Practice: Day 9 Exercise

“Take any unpaid bills you have, use Gratitude’s Magic Power, and write across each one, ‘Thank You for The Money’. Feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill, whether you have it or not.”  – From “The Magic”, by Rhonda Byrne

Join us in our 28 Day Gratitude Practice and feel “The Magic”

Some Gratitude

Some Gratitude

Some Gratitude

28 Day Gratitude Practice Day 8 – Counting My Blessings

In Gratitude for…
… Some Things to Do
… Some Places to Go
… Some Family to Love
… Some Friends to Share With
… Some Understanding of the Past
… Some Connection with God
… Some Gifts I Can Give
… Some Difference I can Make
… Some Power in the Present
… Some Hope for the Future
… Some Faith to Carry On
Jo Lyn Cornelsen

Rainbow Garden Artwork by Carol Lorraine

The Magic Ingredient

The Magic Ingredient

The Magic Ingredient

The Magic Ingredient
“Before you eat or drink anything today,
Take a moment to look at what you are about to eat or drink,
And in your mind or out loud,
Say the words, ‘thank you’.
If you want, you can sprinkle your food or drink with Magic Dust.”
– From “The Magic”, by Rhonda Byrne

28 Day Gratitude Practice – Jo Lyn Cornelsen

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