by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Oct 17, 2016 | Career, Jo Lyn's Blog, Mindfulness, Personal Empowerment |
Mastermind Your Life
I’ve been in Business Masterminds in the past.
Excellent programs.
I loved the learning, I loved the content, I loved the presentations,
and most of all, I loved the people.
But somehow, I couldn’t seem to maximize the experiences enough
to create the real business breakthrough results I wanted…
regardless of how much time and money I invested,
or how diligently I worked at the systems.
Floundering around, intermittently dipping one toe
in the waters of what it takes to succeed,
I saw others rising to new heights, and I asked,
“Why can’t I do the same?”
“What is holding me back?”
Ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answers.
I found that disconnect was within me.
But what, exactly was that disconnect?
And could I ever clear it?
I withdrew from the groups to regroup,
and invested in a different kind of learning…
A deep personal journey of Holistic Healing.
Along this path, insight emerged,
“line upon line, precept upon precept”….
awakening to my conscious awareness
the dusty remnants of old hurts and fears…
disconnects, heart walls,
misconceptions, misperceptions,
offensive energies, resentments,
emotional triggers, old memories, grief, sorrows,
personal traumas and even dysfunctional ancestral patterns
passed down through generations of time.
“You must clear the past to be free to go forward and create a new future.”
Powerful energy healing tools and plenty of practice honed my intuitive skills.
I released bundles of hurts hiding deep within my soul.
Little by little, my fears fell away, and as my energy shifted…
the blocks that had erstwhile held me bound
dissolved – neutralized and transmuted in the light of truth.
As my inner world shifted, my physical world changed, too.
opening the door for new possibilities.
Third Time’s a Charm
A 90 day Mastermind invitation showed up in my inbox…
an opportunity to expand my capability and productivity,
in the most effective business model in the field of my choice…
Clearly this was an opportunity to test the strength of my wings
and learn from the best of the best.
I’d already collected the required software.
My budget was tight, but doable.
The resources were there…
So I just jumped in.
Great intentions are only part of the equation.
There must needs be power of purpose to fuel momentum,
and strong guidelines to hold me to the course.
90 days. I can do anything for 90 days.
Still, life happens.
Out during the critical week number three
for a not-to-be missed family reunion
gave me the feeling of always trying to catch up.
Technology snafus and misunderstandings of expectations
split my focus into too many aspects of the training simultaneously.
I tried to do everything perfectly…
but gaps in my technical expertise prove that I remain human.
Week after week of zeros on my Friday accountability reports
seemed to predict the same old story…
that I wasn’t cut out for success, even in the best program around.
One of my mentors called me on it… and she was right.
Deep within, the echoes of old self-defeating thoughts
were rising to the surface.
I checked-in to my truth…
“Is this business path still correct for me?”
“OK, how can I get through this next roadblock?”
“Don’t let anything hold you back. Find another way.”
Remembering the guidance of the Mentors,
I applied what I’d learned and just kept going.
It rings true that you can’t succeed alone…
For what is success, but personal growth
in your ability to serve those around you?
The mentorship and accountability of a Mastermind group
inspires growth and expansion.
Small actions, consistently multiplied,
create the desired results we call “success”.
My Mastermind breakthrough came about 45 days in,
listening to our Director-of-Awesome demanding
that we stop waiting to perfect our technical expertise…
and requiring us jump first to THE ONE THING that makes the most difference…
connecting with those who might actually want what we have to offer,
listening to their needs, and discovering which of them are ready to receive.
All we truly need, in order to begin, is to know what to say,
who to call, and the ability to use a telephone.
Thus released from elusive perfection,
I picked up my cell phone…
took a deep breath,
and made that first call….
And I didn’t die.
So I called another… and another… and another…
Until I began looking forward to the practice
and enjoying the conversations, regardless of their outcome.
Mastermind Your Life
Why should you join a Mastermind?
To maximize your life, of course.
We come together from many walks of life,
in different stages of accomplishment.
None of us know everything.
All of us know something.
Each of us brings our own unique gifts.
And we share.
For the benefit of all who are ready to receive.
Decide to grow.
Choose the right Mastermind for you.
Prepare for exponential growth.
Participate fully.
Grow exponentially.
Internalize your new level of productivity…
continue your momentum,
Then go for another 90 day Mastermind growth sprint.
Discover the gifts within you…
Choose where you want to go…
Learn from those who have gone there before you…
Add your own uniqueness to the mix.
Mastermind your life.
It’s the secret sauce that you can leverage for success.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Aug 23, 2016 | Happiness, Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, Relationships |
Lemon Water Healing Story
I recently spent a week with my 94 year old Mother while her caregivers were away on vacation. She asked what I had been working on recently. I shared with her about my energy healing work. I explained that there is an underlying energetic and subconscious component to every disease and disorder, and that the holistic healing work I do helps identify and release the stress of these stuck energies so the body can more easily heal itself. She was curious and wondered if I could help her.
I was specifically enjoying working with the app that comes with The Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. I find that using this app as Dr. Nelson teaches allows me to get to the underlying emotional or physical causes of the issues and release the energy of them, thus allowing the body’s natural healing ability to flow.
She began telling me of her current symptoms and issues – some that had been bothering her just recently, and others that had been life long issues. I used The Body Code app and applied the healing process, and she said she felt better.
It was so sweet to be able to tuck her into bed that night – to express my love for her and appreciate her gentle, loving soul. But I was a little worried. Her health is so fragile, that I feared the energy shifting would be too much for her. Thankfully, upon awakening the next morning… I listened intently for any sounds from her room, grateful that she was still with me, and had not chosen to pass on during the night. Such a relief!
The next few days were amazing. She would tell me things, I would write them down, then when she was napping, I would do the energy clearing on her behalf. When she awoke, she wanted me to give her a report about what I had discovered and shared.
She wanted to understand it more herself. She is an avid reader, so we went to the bookstore and she bought “The Emotion Code” by Dr. Nelson. She also bought Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins, and Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. These gave her enough of an understanding of energy healing that she asked me to do more. It was a delight to find her telling me even of her girlhood fears… and asking them to be released. It was such a joy to help my mother come to a greater sense of peace.
In the course of this concentrated work, I found patterns of ancestral inheritances – one ancestor in particular, 9 generations back from my mother, who had experienced a great deal of trauma in her life here on earth. These ancestral emotions had been inherited by my mother (as well as me and some of my children). We were able to release them, which helped my mother relax and feel better.
The most dramatic physical effects my mother experienced from this work were:
1) Better sleep (she is now able to sleep about 6 hours at a time, in contrast to her previous pattern of only sleeping 3 hours at a time).
2) No more shakiness. She had been experiencing random pattern of shaking spells, which neither her medical doctor nor her naturopath had been able to help her relieve… but The Body Code app showed me that the underlying cause of her symptom was too much acidity in the body… and the “cure” was to drink the juice of 1/2 of a lemon in pure water, daily. Such an easy fix – and no great risk, so she was totally willing to try it! We didn’t have fresh lemons in the house, but we had a bottle of lemon juice in the refrigerator… so we tried it 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in a cup of water (she wanted hers warm) did the trick. No more shaking spells!
A week after my visit, my brother who lives nearby stopped in to see her, He was delighted to find Mother healthy, happy and with more energy and zest for life than she has shown for a very long time. He made a point of calling to tell me that he sees a light in her eyes now that he hasn’t seen in years. Thanks to energy healing work, perhaps my mother will live another 10 years or more – happily and healthy. I certainly hope so!
Blessings to all … Jo Lyn
P.S. I Love My Mother
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Apr 1, 2016 | Authentic Wholeness, Holistic Healing, SoulTalk |
The Process of Authentic Healing
True, authentic healing is a process more than an event. I don’t know that if, in the human experience, we are ever finished with it. “Line upon line is how this process of awakening to increased conscious awareness and authentic wholeness has been for me.”
A friend once told me “sometimes the only thing holding us back is ourselves”. In my case, it was true. I had let childhood hurts turn into huge fears… and those old things kept popping up through out my lifetime and getting in the way of me going forward and being at peace and happy. Chronic stresses compounded over the years, and eventually impacted my physical health.
The good news is that I found ways to reach out for help and detox from so much stuff.
I am so grateful for the naturopathic and energy healing processes I have experienced… one after another, as I have been led to them, I have been able to release those old issues and feel my spirit more fully “seated” in my body… I feel more whole.
I’m a writer, so in my healing, I developed something I call SoulTalk… where I journal my feelings and experience of using energy exercises for specific issues and release them.
I’ve learned from The Emotion Code, Quantum Touch, Healing the Inner Child, the Figure 8 Exercise, Emotional Freedom Technique, Craniosacral Therapy, Law of Attraction Training, Energy Medicine, Theta Healing, Chakra Healing, Soulprint Healing, Soul Embodiment, Wholetones Music Therapy, and more.
Now, when I find myself triggered, I am able to recognize and identify the specific issues, use these energetic clearing tools to accept and release them, call upon Divine Light and Love to fill and enlighten my body, mind and spirit, and to protect my soul going forward.
As an empath, I’ve also learned to recognize when the emotions and energy of others is affecting me, and know how to deal with it. Sometimes it is a message from ancestors on the other side of the veil, requesting emotional shifts, and I am able to accommodate that and vicariously clear old traumas from past, present and future generations.
In January this year, I focused on a 28 Day Gratitude Practice, which helped me immensely. I found that gratitude brought me to a place of forgiveness… and opened the door to more healing. If you’d like to enjoy the same process, join this group… and scroll to the oldest posts… that’s where to start. It also shows the reference to the book I used, if you’d like that.
I In the process of reaching for and creating my own authentic healing, I have discovered several of my own sacred gifts / spiritual gifts – including the gift of Empathy, Intercessory Prayer, the Gift of Healing and others… I am learning to use these in positive ways. I even certified as a guide for a course called Discover Your Sacred Gifts… and the more I guide others through it, the more clear I am regarding my own.
I’ve learned that when I focus only on clearing things, I can actually create more to clear, so I stay stuck in the past. So at some point, when you feel you have let go of enough personal and generational traumas that you can relax enough to breathe deeply and feel the spirit within you, there is a need to learn to live and enjoy and create in the present.
Though you may feel there are still things to clear, I encourage you to begin a daily practice of letting go of what has come before, allowing yourself to appreciate the small beauties and joys of daily life, and consciously focus on creating more of what brings you joy.
Blessings to all…
Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Mar 24, 2016 | Holistic Healing |
3,000 Year-old Music Promotes Natural Healing…
Newly published Sound Healing Music Therapy Collection:
Michael Tyrrell, speaker, author, and amazingly talented musician discovered some musical frequencies that are no less than 3,000 years old and that have been known to support natural healing on the cellular level. Have you heard of his Wholetones Music? I love this – and want to share it with you.
Wholetones Music has improved the ambience in my home – helped calm emotions, relieve chaos, minimize stress, promote healing, break negative cycles, restore sound sleep, and improve functional abilities.
Listening to Wholetones, I find myself able to enjoy exercise for longer periods of time, to focus better when studying, to feel more connected in my relationships, to have a more positive outlook, and to better express myself. I use this music almost every day for myself and in my holistic healing and coaching work.
Wholetones Music is based on specific musical tones that improve the cellular vibrational frequencies of those who listen. If you’ve read “Power vs Force” by Dr. David R. Hawkins, you’ll know about the Map of Human Consciousness and how his research identified the vibrational frequencies of most everything that exists… and that choosing emotions in the higher vibrational frequency ranges help us feel and function at our best. Listening to Wholetones Music is a simple, effective way to support our good health – sound healing, music therapy.
Here’s the link to Michael Tyrrell’s fascinating story of how he received these 7 ancient musical tones and created the 7 songs. You can listen to the music right there on the page. Enjoy!!
Potentially, the frequencies Michael uncovered have the power to heal you. In fact, they were used by King David to soothe King Saul during his times of depression. Michael has recorded 7 beautiful and spiritual songs that contain these ancient frequencies. Because of their natural resonance, these frequencies have been known to stimulate your body’s natural healing power down to the cellular level.
I love this music and listen to it almost every day. I find it incredibly calming and it takes my stress away. That’s why I want to share it with you. Michael Tyrrell’s Wholetones story is fascinating, and you can and listen to these songs for yourself. You don’t even have to buy anything – they play for FREE right on the site.
Check it out for yourself – listen right NOW for free.
Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jan 22, 2016 | Holistic Healing, SoulTalk, Spirituality |
Intuition – Seeing Beyond the Veil
In an online group of intuitive energy workers, some were discussing their experiences of connecting and communicating with spirits of those who have gone before. Communicating through your intuition and seeing beyond the veil is a very sacred gift… and like many of our gifts, we may have it, but remain unaware of it. And when the existence of life beyond the veil presents itself to us, it may feel frightening because we don’t remember being in that state ourselves – but it doesn’t have to be. Because you and I, spirits in physical bodies, are so blessed. Every day, we exercise our power of creation – that divine gift given from God to us for our sojourn here on earth. There is a purpose for our lives. We each have a mission and gifts to give while we are here. In part, that purpose, mission and gifts are for us, for our own growth and learning. And in part, we are blessed with these things for the purpose of helping those we share this world with.
Here are some of my own experiences of Seeing Beyond the Veil, which I shared with my group.
On one occasion I visually saw my husband’s grandmother – a beautiful, sacred experience related to finding the family history records, which we had previously been told did not exist.
On a couple other occasions, I felt the spirits of people I know in real life who had passed on. One was a student of mine who got herself into compromising circumstances, and she came to tell me she was sorry… though she had never offended me – she only had betrayed herself. The other was a former eldercare client who passed away in a nursing home. After his passing, at 2:00 am, he came to tell me thank you for the kindnesses he received while in my care. I didn’t see these spirits, but I felt their presence and knew intuitively what they wanted to tell me. Days later their families/associates informed me of their deaths.
On another occasion, when we moved back into the house that had been our elder care home, and where I had assisted many individuals at the end of their lives, I was overwhelmed with the residual energies and even wayward spirits still inhabiting the place. I was weak and full of fear, and wouldn’t go into the bathroom where I had done so many physical caregiving tasks… until one day, walking down the hall, I heard in my mind my Grandmother Fern’s voice – she said very pragmatically, “Jo Lyn, you live here now. You can either live with it dirty or you can clean it up.”… I sighed and said OK. Then tackled the task later that day. In 10 minutes it was clean and the energy had changed.
When my father passed away, I saw a vision of him as a young man, dressed in the clothing he would have worn in the 1920’s – suspenders and all – flying a kite with his brother who had been still born… and who looked to be around 9 or 10 years old.
Since I have discovered I am an empath, and learned to work with energy, my father has “visited” on several occasions… letting me know he is here by giving me a pain in my right shoulder/arm. When I feel that, I muscle test and confirm that he is visiting, decipher the message and/or request… usually he asks for me to release a stuck emotion for him. Then he’s gone…
There is more, but enough for now.
Thank you for reading this post and for all your responses. I know I am not alone in this gift of sometimes being able to communicate on both sides of the veil. I pray that we all use this gift for good – not in fear, but in love.
We have been blessed to experience this physical life – we can have the most profound spiritual experiences when our spirits are fully “seated” in our bodies. And we should enjoy being in the here and now.
There are myriads of energies and entities all around us… much like there are vibrational sound and light waves that allow us to receive wireless communication via technology.
We get what we focus on. If we focus in fear or on always trying to clear spirits or entities, more will always show up for us to clear. Instead, if we focus on filling our lives with Christlike loving kindness and becoming authentically whole ourselves – with our own souls in alignment with divine will and receiving the blessings of the Atonement for our own salvation, then all these other distractions and fears will be resolved and drop away.
Jo Lyn Cornelsen
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