Forward in Confidence and Grace
Just need to express myself for a moment… One of my 3 web services clients just cancelled.
I’ve served them for over 3 years… and all the details their new web service guy needs he has already gotten from the website and social media I built for them….
Alas… I feel adrift and sorrowful that they no longer want my services…. or that they allowed themselves to be persuaded by someone else…. I consider them my friends… I made personal visits to the establishment every month… I championed them as a business… they won a write up in the local paper due to my online work on their behalf… and this is how they repay me? By cancelling my services?
Is it okay for them to move on?
Is it okay for me to move on?
Did I serve them well?
Did they limit how much they would allow me to serve?
Have they grown beyond my capabilities?
Have my capabilities I grown beyond them?
OK. I agree. Perhaps the change is a blessing.
Still, it feels like a loss.
Am I allowed to grieve this?
5 emotions in grief.
I feel better just writing this down.
Thank you.
Is there a lesson here?
Something I could have done better?
Could I have built a better website?
Yes, but they did not allow you to.
They chose the limited services that matched them at the time.
Now that you have expanded who they are through your work,
They now feel ready to grow beyond what you created.
Should I try to get their business back?
It is time for you to move on.
You are capable now of so much more.
Is there a message in this?
Yes. Keep going. Keep growing. Keep giving your gifts.
As you expand and explore in your new energy
of affluence, ease and joy,
newer and better opportunities will come to you.
Prosperity, joy and abundance are flowing your way.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…
I go forward in the calm confidence of divine guidance…
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is only just begun.
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