In Between

In Between

In Between
During meditation, I feel clear,
having let go of unhelpful thought patterns,
self-deprecating beliefs and old, dysfunctional resentments…
Scarcity and fear no longer motivate my words.
But when it comes time to create something new,
I am finding within myself a strange emptiness…
Nothing to say…
No direction to go…
Or perhaps, too many possibilities of directions to go.
I feel muted.
Oh, that I could feel inspired by the Light within
to bring into form something
beautiful, vibrant, worthy and welcomed
by those with whom I am meant to share.

– Jo Lyn 

Learn to Fly

Learn to Fly

“In the early morning dawn,
misty remnants of my dream remained,
A gift of conscious enlightenment
From our great Creator to me.
In that dream, I used my fingernails with curious intent,
Discovering one of nature’s wonders..
Sudden realization stilled my fingers..
The casing was a butterfly cocoon.
If I tried to help too much, the butterfly would die,
Never becoming strong enough
To learn to fly.”
-Jo Lyn Cornelsen

SoulTalk – Inside Out

SoulTalk – Inside Out

“Inside Out” – by Jo Lyn Cornelsen

“Who Am I? 
I am ego + spirit + mind + body + thoughts + feelings + more…
So much more… this Soul of Me….

All facets of being me in this physical world are good
and are needed to live purposefully in this world of contrast.

Endeavoring anew to ‘let go and let God’.
Relaxing into awareness and allowing life to teach me…
Measuring success by levels of learning and loving.

This morning I asked God to help me shed my worldly concerns
and live more intuitively in ease and joy.
Immediately I was gifted a mental image of myself
with my fingertips atop my head,
pulling open what appeared to be a whole-body case or shell,
stepping out and away from the stiffness of its form…

The inside is out, and I am free. 
Time to open these new wings.” 
– Jo Lyn Cornelsen

I share this sacred “Inside Out” poem as an example of one of the astounding personal insights I received during one of my Morning SoulTalk Sessions. The SoulTalk process emerged as my own holistic healing method while I was actively enrolled and practicing Carol Tuttle’s “Soulprint Healing for Affluence” course offered by MindValley in 2015.  I now teach my SoulTalk process to my holistic healing coaching students.

SoulTalk is a structured process designed to be used in personal meditation, as a tool for the truth seeker to increase their own insight and awareness into their inner patterns and perceptions. Full completion of each SoulTalk meditative session can increase mind/body/spirit relaxation and self acceptance, empowering the individual in to show up in the world in a more soul satisfying way.

Want to learn SoulTalk for yourself?  Check out my Programs page to learn how Transitional Coaching can more easily and effectively help you get from where you are to where you want to be….

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