Lemon Water Healing
Lemon Water Healing Story
I recently spent a week with my 94 year old Mother while her caregivers were away on vacation. She asked what I had been working on recently. I shared with her about my energy healing work. I explained that there is an underlying energetic and subconscious component to every disease and disorder, and that the holistic healing work I do helps identify and release the stress of these stuck energies so the body can more easily heal itself. She was curious and wondered if I could help her.
I was specifically enjoying working with the app that comes with The Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. I find that using this app as Dr. Nelson teaches allows me to get to the underlying emotional or physical causes of the issues and release the energy of them, thus allowing the body’s natural healing ability to flow.
She began telling me of her current symptoms and issues – some that had been bothering her just recently, and others that had been life long issues. I used The Body Code app and applied the healing process, and she said she felt better.
It was so sweet to be able to tuck her into bed that night – to express my love for her and appreciate her gentle, loving soul. But I was a little worried. Her health is so fragile, that I feared the energy shifting would be too much for her. Thankfully, upon awakening the next morning… I listened intently for any sounds from her room, grateful that she was still with me, and had not chosen to pass on during the night. Such a relief!
The next few days were amazing. She would tell me things, I would write them down, then when she was napping, I would do the energy clearing on her behalf. When she awoke, she wanted me to give her a report about what I had discovered and shared.
She wanted to understand it more herself. She is an avid reader, so we went to the bookstore and she bought “The Emotion Code” by Dr. Nelson. She also bought Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins, and Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. These gave her enough of an understanding of energy healing that she asked me to do more. It was a delight to find her telling me even of her girlhood fears… and asking them to be released. It was such a joy to help my mother come to a greater sense of peace.
In the course of this concentrated work, I found patterns of ancestral inheritances – one ancestor in particular, 9 generations back from my mother, who had experienced a great deal of trauma in her life here on earth. These ancestral emotions had been inherited by my mother (as well as me and some of my children). We were able to release them, which helped my mother relax and feel better.
The most dramatic physical effects my mother experienced from this work were:
1) Better sleep (she is now able to sleep about 6 hours at a time, in contrast to her previous pattern of only sleeping 3 hours at a time).
2) No more shakiness. She had been experiencing random pattern of shaking spells, which neither her medical doctor nor her naturopath had been able to help her relieve… but The Body Code app showed me that the underlying cause of her symptom was too much acidity in the body… and the “cure” was to drink the juice of 1/2 of a lemon in pure water, daily. Such an easy fix – and no great risk, so she was totally willing to try it! We didn’t have fresh lemons in the house, but we had a bottle of lemon juice in the refrigerator… so we tried it 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in a cup of water (she wanted hers warm) did the trick. No more shaking spells!
A week after my visit, my brother who lives nearby stopped in to see her, He was delighted to find Mother healthy, happy and with more energy and zest for life than she has shown for a very long time. He made a point of calling to tell me that he sees a light in her eyes now that he hasn’t seen in years. Thanks to energy healing work, perhaps my mother will live another 10 years or more – happily and healthy. I certainly hope so!
Blessings to all … Jo Lyn
P.S. I Love My Mother
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