by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Dec 10, 2020 | Authentic Wholeness, Happiness, Intuitive Downloads, Jo Lyn's Blog |
“Perhaps you were created for such a time as this.” – Reference Esther 4:14
“Sometimes I ponder on the turn of events that transformed me from a hands-on eldercare nurse and facility owner to a holistic nurse who uses energy healing techniques in meditative sessions, facilitating healing on the subconscious and soul level.
What I do now seems to have no real connection to what I did then… except that life has a way of teaching us lessons we didn’t know we need to learn... and having a very practical nursepreneur background gives me a basis of understanding and connection with people in every walk of life.
One of my big realizations is that as humans, we have a depth of spiritual, emotional, mental, perceptual and energetic components underlying our state of well being. And one way to access and explore these aspects of ourselves is through meditation and prayer.Burnout, brokenness and a need for self-healing were my initial motivations.
Experiencing joy in simple daily life is now the prize.
My meditative skills at first were tentative – my abilities to help myself and others was limited by my own long list of imperfections. Energy healing techniques helped me learn to listen to my body, and to discern the perceptions I held in other aspects of my consciousness. When I learned to call upon The Creator of All That Is for true perspective and understanding, and ask for changes that are for the highest and best good, the effectiveness of my efforts expanded.
Now, meditative and intercessory prayer and divine connection are second nature to me.
This way of being defines who I am, and how I go about navigating life’s choices.
Through this, I have healed inner wounds and found peace in my soul.
We are holistic beings – mind, body and spirit. Learning to live well is both science and art, practical and metaphysical.
We were not meant to live life all alone. Healthy connection and healthy boundaries are crucial in becoming capable, resourceful and resilient. Being supported and being free to live our gifts can bring out the best in us. I am so grateful for all that I have experienced, and all that I am becoming. I am so grateful for you…
One of my gifts is intercessory prayer. It can be a curious gift – as the giving of it happens simultaneous with the spiritual receiving. It comes first as an inner knowing, and finds expression through words. I cannot pray for that which is not good. I am often called to pray for those I do not know.
One morning, in meditation, I was called to pray for the people, our communities, and those holding positions of leadership.
And I was asked to share the prayer.
“Father, God, Creator of All That Is, thank you for life.
Thank you for kindness. Thank you for beauty. Thank you for love.
Father, God, Creator of All That Is, is it correct for me to pray for our community?
For our people?
For our land?
For our leadership?
Is it correct for me to ask for the Angels of Heaven to help us, guide us, and protect us? Yes.
Is it correct for me to request that the fires be calmed and the air be cleared? For the land and the sea to be nourished and all creatures to be comforted?
Is it correct for me to ask for our hearts to be turned to thee?
For our choices to be motivated by kindness, goodness and love?
Creator, is it correct for me to share this prayer, that more of thy children will come unto thee?
Creator, make these changes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done.”
(Visualization witnessing the angels among us, the skies being cleared, hearts lighting up with joy…)
Dear One, you have read this far for a reason.
Something in you is ready to connect on an even deeper level with the Master Healer, The Creator of All That Is.
Talk to God.
Give thanks for life itself.
Seek to cultivate more truth and love – to discover and live your gifts – to align with the Divine, to shine that light of who you are – and to find joy in the giving.
Be your best self today, and always.
God bless you!”
– Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Apr 27, 2016 | Relationships |
An Intercessory Prayer for Love and Light
I awake
In the stillness of the night
And see the widow’s face.
Torn between loyalty for her erstwhile spouse
The father of her children…
And the new love she has found in the here and now.
Her husband’s illness while in this mortal realm
Was known by very few…
And on the eve of beginning a new chapter,
She looks back through the years that brought her to this place in time,
And laments that her love was not enough buffer
To hold him steady in life’s course.
After decades of twisted highs and lows
He chose suicide to set her free…
She has moved on as they had planned, but
His spirit lingers, still stuck in dusky twilight.
Just beyond the veil,
He gazes back and questions his anguished choice to leave
Especially now as he sees she has truly turned toward another.
And now,
In the stillness of this night I am summoned to service.
These two are not my blood kin,
Just kindly friends in the Gospel of Christ.
I have no earthly permission to intercede on their behalf,
But awakened by their angels
Their faces shine clearly in my mind’s eye.
I ask if I may use the Sacred Gifts, Compassion, Healing and Intercessory Prayer
On their behalf.
The answer is YES, so
I begin the process.
Will she and her children be safe with this new love?
Is he still stuck in fear?
Is it ok for me to request the power of God’s love to heal him?
The healer in me whispers to his soul
“Turn around and face the light”.
But his sorrow is too deep to hear the message…
So I palm his head in my hands
And turn his anguished soul around
Like a mother turns the head of a child to redirect his full attention.
This breaks the hold of darkness and
He lifts his eyes,
barely daring to hope…
That the light he perceives
May perhaps be shining… for him?
His heart leaps and he steps forward,
And in that simple act of faith
The light shines brighter, beckoning…
A few more steps with arms outstretched…
He reaches and enters the light,
Tears streaming down his ruddy face as
The Resurrected Lord enfolds him in Eternal Love …
And he is welcomed,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
It is done, it is done, it is done.
– Jo Lyn Cornelsen
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