Divine Light
Divine Light
“Meditative insights flow through me and around me and as me…
something akin to the relationship between the sand and the sea.
If I don’t record them in words,
they are washed away with the next wave of energy.
Yesterday I experienced a beautiful dream,
in which I was cleaning a marquise diamond lens that projects my soul into form…
using a special cloth that picks up and removes every smudge of distortion.
Speaking compassion phrases as I performed this labor of love,
I was able to thoroughly clean every facet of the gem – front, back, side, top, bottom…
It became so squeaky clean that divine light shown through in pristine brilliance….
Then suddenly it seemed there was another diamond crystal lens…
then another…
then another…
An infinite multiplicity of diamond crystals shining soul light into form…
as innumerable as the sands of the sea…
Then came the realization that these all exist inside of me,
reflected and embodied in every component of every cell….
Divine light exists within me – beautiful liquid soul light embodied into form….
As I saw these in my mind’s eye,
I also received a physical flow of waves of spirit inside of me…
from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head…
Joyful flow,
Joyful soul.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you…
Jo Lyn Cornelsen
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