Appreciation for My Physical Body
Appreciation for My Physical Body
DAY 3 of My 28 Day Gratitude Practice: Counting My Blessings.
Today I am consciously aware and grateful for my appreciation for my physical body, and how it empowers me.
I received a blessing at age 16 that told me I am blessed with a beautiful, strong body. But I doubted that truth. As a child, being very reflective of generational attitudes, peer values and media messages, I had already picked up some very damaging misconceptions. These twisted beliefs created inner conflicts regarding my self-image that damaged my feelings of self-worth and affected my ability to love and accept myself. In turn, this affected my relationships, the way I approached my roles in life, my perception about my capabilities and my beliefs about what is possible for me to be, to become, and to accomplish.
Holistic healing of these misperceptions and resulting emotional issues has been a long journey, but I am so happy to be able to say I have worked through them, and I am truly grateful for my physical body. My body teaches me life lessons, empowers my choices and allows me the joy of creating my life, day by day.
This morning I awoke very early, feeling heavily burdened. At this particular time, I have been carrying some excess weight, despite healthy eating habits. I have learned that my body is my teacher, so I began asking questions using my muscle testing process. I identified that I have been taking on and carrying some pretty heavy generational emotional burdens – habitually – and that habit has affected by physical physiology.
Apparrently, one of my earliest beliefs was that the way to ease the burdens of others is to take on, hold and carry their struggles, their pains and their troubles for them. Not so. I now realize that more correctly, my gifts as a healer are infinitely more effective when I activate my sacred gifts and become a facilitator, inviting and sharing divine love and light, and helping others to simply let their burdens go…. consciously, effortlessly, and joyfully….
So today, in increased conscious awareness, I used the Emotional Freedom Technique to free myself of this subconscious, debilitating habit. I can better use my holistic healing skills for good as I witness the healing power of divine love and light… so I began with myself. Tapping on my crown chakra and the tapping points on my face, torso and hands, I gave recognition to the issue, released it, sent it to the light, and felt comforted in my body, my spirit, and my soul. And for this, I am grateful.
My message to you today is to encourage you that it is never too late to heal your thoughts, heal your emotions, heal your relationships, and your life. And healing is often easier than you may think.
Counting My Blessings
So here’s ten blessings I am grateful for, in Appreciation of My Physical Body
1. I can see.
2. I can hear.
3. I can breathe.
4. I can smell.
5. I can taste.
6. I can walk.
7. I can use my hands.
8. I can move my body purposefully
9. I can think.
10. I can use my body to bring my thoughts into physical reality and express myself.
I am so grateful that I have learned to love myself enough to appreciate the beauty of being in physical form as a human being on this amazing planet. I am so grateful that I am able to use this beautiful physical body of mine to create experience this amazing world we live in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done.
Jo Lyn
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