We Are All Connected

We are all connected… every conversation matters…

My brother called me recently with tears in his eyes/voice, to read me a letter he had just received from our niece. It went something like this:

“Dear Uncle,
Seven years ago you were inspired to call me.
You didn’t know it was the day after my divorce, and when you called, I was in panic mode.
I was wondering what would happen to me next, worrying where I could live and how on earth
I could possibly manage to take care of myself and my children.

You took time to listen, and then you asked me a question.
You asked me if the next 4 years would pass by regardless of the choices I made.
I said yes.
So you told me to focus on what was most important,
and to go get an education that would give me the ability
to take care of myself and my family without depending on anybody else.

So I did. I went to school, and it was really, really, really hard.
Today, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing,
I am a licensed Registered Nurse,
and I am working in the State of Oregon.

And I am very grateful for my Uncle, who didn’t know what I was going through, but who felt inspired to call me – and who listened, and then told me what he thought I should do.
And did it. Thanks a Million”

We are all connected.

Get Up and Go Forward

Get Up and Go Forward

I received four different “get up and go forward” messages via social media on the same day.

  1. “You survived what you thought would kill you, now straighten your crown and move forward like the queen you are.”
  2. “Financial success, or any other kind of success, does not require hard work. It does require alignment of thought. … When you learn to direct your own thoughts, you will discover the true leverage of Energy alignment.”
  3. “…will the next 4 years pass by regardless of the choices you make today? Yes… then go do something that will take care of you without having to depend on someone else.”
  4. “Can’t decide on which path to take? Take path A!! Either it will work, or you will find out it doesn’t. In which case, you can then take path B.”

‘Nuff said.

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