Sacred Gift of Writing

Sacred Gift of Writing

My Sacred Gift of Writing
My Sacred Gift of Healing

After our Compassion Circle Sharing call last evening, I thought to put my body in a circle of light, and give it compassion for the weight, health and balance issues that have prevailed despite all my holistic energy healing work.This self-directed compassion is a process of self-love, self-forgiveness, and self healing.
It is a process of validating emotions for the purpose of acknowledging them as real, as important, and as part of our soul’s process of exploring what we want and what we don’t want to experience… thus helping us be free to make positive life choices.In my mind’s eye, I draw a golden circle of Divine Light.
I place my body in that circle.

So sorry you are so heavy.
So sorry no matter what you do, you cannot change your stars.
So sorry you are stuck carrying other people’s burdens.
So sorry other people can release weight through learning to love themselves, but you cannot.
So sorry you are stuck in a perpetual state of chronic adrenal stress, for ever and ever and ever and ever and always.
So sorry your parasympathetic nervous system is so shattered, and you can never heal.
So sorry the stress you carry is not a burden you can ever put down.
So sorry you can send other’s burdens to the light, but not your own.
So sorry you feel you have to save the world.
So sorry you contracted to be in servitude forever.
So sorry work and service have to be hard.
So sorry you don’t know how to serve from a space of joy and love.
So sorry your world cannot be light and easy.
So sorry it is so difficult to throw off generational burdens.
So sorry they carried heavy burdens, so it wouldn’t be fair if you lightened your own load.
So sorry those burdens are so heavy your legs can no longer hold you up.
So sorry you have to become disabled in order to be relieved of your burdens.
So sorry now you have become a burden to others.
So sorry for your pain.
So sorry for your sorrows.
Time for bed…
so I leave my body in the circle of light…
and go to sleep.
Intermittently, I wake up and check the circle.
Yep, my body is still there.
Just waiting.
I give more compassion each time I awake.
So sorry you are stuck there.
So sorry you will always be stuck.
So sorry…
A few more hours of sleep – it is still there in the circle.
So sorry there is nowhere to go.
So sorry there is only shadow in that circle.
So sorry a circle of light is so dark.
So sorry you think you have to be heavy to stay alive.
So sorry you think you must be heavy to survive.
So sorry you don’t see that heaviness is what is killing you.
So sorry you don’t see that burden is too heavy.
So sorry you can’t see that weightlessness would allow you to move more freely.
So sorry you can’t see that you have the power to change.
So sorry you don’t see that you can give yourself permission to release the lot of it.
So sorry you don’t see that you can release it and let it go while still in this physical body.
So sorry you can’t figure out how to let it go without dying.
So sorry your cells think they are protecting you from harm by chelating emotional toxins.
So sorry you are too afraid to see your truth.
So sorry you cannot just let it all go.
So sorry you cannot love yourself just the way you are.
I awake in the morning – yep… my body is still in the circle… but I am on my way to deep water aerobics, so I can’t stop and focus for a session. It will have to wait.
My swimsuit on, I’m in the pool.
I love my YMCA mornings.
In between the instructor’s guidance,
I check that circle of light.
My body is still there, but it is all crumpled up.
It looks like a pile of discarded clothing.
Blacks and browns and blues.
It’s a sorry mess.
Is my body still there?
Shall I send it compassion now?
Okay… and I go my merry way,
able to perform full range of motion in the water,
moving there in ways I cannot do on dry land.
My lips have been chapped for weeks.
Ever since Mother passed away my lips have dried out, peeled off, become soft again, only to dry out again.
Sometimes my lips feel like a snake shedding it’s skin.
Yes, I use amazingly good lip stuff.
Yes, I stay well hydrated.
Water water everywhere, inside and out.
Still, I’m shedding my skin.
On my way home I check again.
Yep, my body is still in the circle of light,
all crumpled up like wadded up fabric…
Shall I do a compassion session now?
Once home, I dry my hair, eat breakfast, send my husband off to work, and sit at the computer.
I write my story of Clearing Deep Resentments, (4 hour project) totally losing track of time.
I love writing.
I love expressing myself through words.
Words have so many nuances.
I love that I can muscle test and know which words to use.
I love that when it’s the wrong word or phrase,
My intuition will lead me to the right ones.
Those I know who don’t love writing
think I am compelled to write by some evil magician or because of an odd pathological obsessive compulsive behavior.
But truth being – I write because I love to write.
I can express myself through the written word
in a way that satisfies my soul.
I write to create.
I write to process.
I write for healing.
I write to share.
I feel joy when I write.
I check my circle of light.
Is my body still there?
Is my body still a crumpled pile of clothing?
Do I see the crumpled pile?
Is my body still in the circle of light?
I cannot see it.
Is my body light?
Is my body light in the circle of light?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is done, it is done, it is done.
Mastermind Your Life

Mastermind Your Life

Mastermind Your Life

I’ve been in Business Masterminds in the past.
Excellent programs.
I loved the learning, I loved the content, I loved the presentations,
and most of all, I loved the people.

But somehow, I couldn’t seem to maximize the experiences enough
to create the real business breakthrough results I wanted…
regardless of how much time and money I invested,
or how diligently I worked at the systems.

Floundering around, intermittently dipping one toe
in the waters of what it takes to succeed,
I saw others rising to new heights, and I asked,
“Why can’t I do the same?”
“What is holding me back?”

Ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answers.
I found that disconnect was within me.

But what, exactly was that disconnect?
And could I ever clear it?

I withdrew from the groups to regroup,
and invested in a different kind of learning…
A deep personal journey of Holistic Healing.
Along this path, insight emerged,
“line upon line, precept upon precept”….
awakening to my conscious awareness
the dusty remnants of old hurts and fears…
disconnects, heart walls,
misconceptions, misperceptions,
offensive energies, resentments,
emotional triggers, old memories, grief, sorrows,
personal traumas and even dysfunctional ancestral patterns
passed down through generations of time.

“You must clear the past to be free to go forward and create a new future.”

Powerful energy healing tools and plenty of practice honed my intuitive skills.
I released bundles of hurts hiding deep within my soul.
Little by little, my fears fell away, and as my energy shifted…
the blocks that had erstwhile held me bound
dissolved – neutralized and transmuted in the light of truth.

As my inner world shifted, my physical world changed, too.
opening the door for new possibilities.

Third Time’s a Charm

A 90 day Mastermind invitation showed up in my inbox…
an opportunity to expand my capability and productivity,
in the most effective business model in the field of my choice…

Clearly this was an opportunity to test the strength of my wings
and learn from the best of the best.
I’d already collected the required software.
My budget was tight, but doable.
The resources were there…
So I just jumped in.

Great intentions are only part of the equation.
There must needs be power of purpose to fuel momentum,
and strong guidelines to hold me to the course.

90 days.  I can do anything for 90 days.
Still, life happens.
Out during the critical week number three
for a not-to-be missed family reunion
gave me the feeling of always trying to catch up.
Technology snafus and misunderstandings of expectations
split my focus into too many aspects of the training simultaneously.
I tried to do everything perfectly…
but gaps in my technical expertise prove that I remain human.

Week after week of zeros on my Friday accountability reports
seemed to predict the same old story…
that I wasn’t cut out for success, even in the best program around.
One of my mentors called me on it… and she was right.
Deep within, the echoes of old self-defeating thoughts
were rising to the surface.

I checked-in to my truth…
“Is this business path still correct for me?”
“OK, how can I get through this next roadblock?”

“Don’t let anything hold you back. Find another way.”
Remembering the guidance of the Mentors,
I applied what I’d learned and just kept going.


It rings true that you can’t succeed alone…
For what is success, but personal growth
in your ability to serve those around you?

The mentorship and accountability of a Mastermind group
inspires growth and expansion.
Small actions, consistently multiplied,
create the desired results we call “success”.

My Mastermind breakthrough came about 45 days in,
listening to our Director-of-Awesome demanding
that we stop waiting to perfect our technical expertise…
and requiring us jump first to THE ONE THING that makes the most difference…
connecting with those who might actually want what we have to offer,
listening to their needs, and discovering which of them are ready to receive.

All we truly need, in order to begin, is to know what to say,
who to call, and the ability to use a telephone.
Thus released from elusive perfection,
I picked up my cell phone…
took a deep breath,
and made that first call….

And I didn’t die.
So I called another… and another… and another…
Until I began looking forward to the practice
and enjoying the conversations, regardless of their outcome.

Mastermind Your Life

Why should you join a Mastermind?
To maximize your life, of course.

We come together from many walks of life,
in different stages of accomplishment.
None of us know everything.
All of us know something.
Each of us brings our own unique gifts.
And we share.
For the benefit of all who are ready to receive.

Decide to grow.
Choose the right Mastermind for you.
Prepare for exponential growth.
Participate fully.
Grow exponentially.

Internalize your new level of productivity…
continue your momentum,
Then go for another 90 day Mastermind growth sprint.


Discover the gifts within you…
Choose where you want to go…
Learn from those who have gone there before you…
Add your own uniqueness to the mix.
Mastermind your life.
It’s the secret sauce that you can leverage for success.

The Process of Authentic Healing

The Process of Authentic Healing

The Process of Authentic Healing

True, authentic healing is a process more than an event. I don’t know that if, in the human experience, we are ever finished with it. “Line upon line is how this process of awakening to increased conscious awareness and authentic wholeness has been for me.”

A friend once told me “sometimes the only thing holding us back is ourselves”. In my case, it was true. I had let childhood hurts turn into huge fears… and those old things kept popping up through out my lifetime and getting in the way of me going forward and being at peace and happy. Chronic stresses compounded over the years, and eventually impacted my physical health.

The good news is that I found ways to reach out for help and detox from so much stuff.

I am so grateful for the naturopathic and energy healing processes I have experienced… one after another, as I have been led to them, I have been able to release those old issues and feel my spirit more fully “seated” in my body… I feel more whole.

I’m a writer, so in my healing, I developed something I call SoulTalk… where I journal my feelings and experience of using energy exercises for specific issues and release them.

I’ve learned from The Emotion Code, Quantum Touch, Healing the Inner Child, the Figure 8 Exercise, Emotional Freedom Technique, Craniosacral Therapy, Law of Attraction Training, Energy Medicine, Theta Healing, Chakra Healing, Soulprint Healing, Soul Embodiment, Wholetones Music Therapy, and more.

Now, when I find myself triggered, I am able to recognize and identify the specific issues, use these energetic clearing tools to accept and release them, call upon Divine Light and Love to fill and enlighten my body, mind and spirit, and to protect my soul going forward.

As an empath, I’ve also learned to recognize when the emotions and energy of others is affecting me, and know how to deal with it. Sometimes it is a message from ancestors on the other side of the veil, requesting emotional shifts, and I am able to accommodate that and vicariously clear old traumas from past, present and future generations.

In January this year, I focused on a 28 Day Gratitude Practice, which helped me immensely. I found that gratitude brought me to a place of forgiveness… and opened the door to more healing. If you’d like to enjoy the same process, join this group… and scroll to the oldest posts… that’s where to start. It also shows the reference to the book I used, if you’d like that.

I In the process of reaching for and creating my own authentic healing, I have discovered several of my own sacred gifts / spiritual gifts – including the gift of Empathy, Intercessory Prayer, the Gift of Healing and others… I am learning to use these in positive ways. I even certified as a guide for a course called Discover Your Sacred Gifts… and the more I guide others through it, the more clear I am regarding my own.

I’ve learned that when I focus only on clearing things, I can actually create more to clear, so I stay stuck in the past. So at some point, when you feel you have let go of enough personal and generational traumas that you can relax enough to breathe deeply and feel the spirit within you, there is a need to learn to live and enjoy and create in the present.

Though you may feel there are still things to clear, I encourage you to begin a daily practice of letting go of what has come before, allowing yourself to appreciate the small beauties and joys of daily life, and consciously focus on creating more of what brings you joy.

Blessings to all…
Jo Lyn

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