A dear friend, remembering a specific childhood injustice perpetrated on herself and others,
tearfully expressed a portion of her sorrows to some trusted friends…
Who immediately responded with expressions of pure love and encouragement.
Who has not, at some time in life, felt the heartache of being misunderstood,
insecure, vulnerable, confused, misaligned, blamed, repressed, unworthy, or rejected?
What one of us has not experienced, in our mortal weakness, some measure
of pride, shame, anxiety, humiliation, abandonment, lack of support, or betrayal?
Who among us can say we have never been violated, angry, taken for granted, shocked?
Dear sweet Child of God, know that you are not alone.
Know that you are blessed.
Know that you are watched over through this veil of tears….
Angelically supported both here and on the other side.
As I read through the messages sent back to my dear friend,
I felt waves of pure love tingling through my body….
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Spirit speaks…
Thanking us for loving one another…
Prompting us to acknowledge and confess our sorrows and shortcomings
to ourselves and to our Great Creator…
Encouraging us to allow ourselves the experience of sitting awhile
with the emotions that come up in this process of introspection…
To then allow these feelings to dissipate and release….
And then…
To consciously create new waves of love and light…
In kindness and forgiveness and gratitude for the breath of life…
For in truth, we are all cherished Children of God…
Divine in our nature…
Visiting in this mortal reality for the purpose of soul expansion…
Learning through choice and accountability…
Seeking greater knowledge and truth…
Walking in faith, gratitude and forgiveness…
Sharing and serving…
Step by step…
Line upon line, precept on precept….
And as we learn to love more purely,
We receive a fullness of joy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is only just begun.
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