by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jul 1, 2017 | Authentic Wholeness, Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads, Jo Lyn's Blog, SoulTalk |
After attending another Compassion Key session led by Edward Mannix,
I dreamed compassion statements all night long,
becoming consciously aware of this as I began to awake in the early morning hours.
Most of the statements repeated in my mind were things like:
“I’m so sorry they didn’t teach you the truth about money.
I’m so sorry they said you’d never be rich.
I’m so sorry they said you couldn’t manage money.
I’m so sorry you can never be rich.”
I’ve done much energy work and holistic healing regarding old misconceptions and trapped emotions.
I know the truth – that my soul value is infinite and this world is only transitory…
so none of these phrases triggered any emotional hurt.
Rather, they felt strangely comforting, so I kept going… and as the words began to shift, they touched deeper and deeper into my psyche…
“I’m so sorry you can’t have money because you’re a girl.
I’m so sorry girls are not smart enough to have money.
I’m so sorry he said you’d never be rich if you married him.
I’m so sorry he didn’t know the truth of who you are.
I’m so sorry he valued money more than the joy and happiness of his children.
I’m so sorry he held so many inner conflicts from his own childhood.
I’m so sorry his inner pain and conflicts affected your life experiences in such a big way.
I’m so sorry you have experienced poverty but can never experience wealth.
I’m so sorry you’ll never get to see what it feels like to be generous in a big way in the world.
I’m so sorry you will never achieve your dreams.
I’m so sorry big dreams coming true is for other people, not you.
I”m so sorry you had to ask permission to buy anything for yourself.
I’m so sorry you couldn’t spend $8 for a white blouse unless you asked permission.
I’m so sorry you weren’t worth it.
I’m so sorry you were not trusted with money.
I’m so sorry he didn’t know what to do with money himself.
I’m so sorry he thought if he actually got money, someone would come and take it all away.
I’m so sorry when you got money, the economy crashed and it was all taken away.
I’m so sorry you proved him right.
I’m so sorry you couldn’t be trusted with money.
I’m so sorry that no matter how you studied, you couldn’t figure out how to keep the money and grow it into wealth.
I’m so sorry you didn’t have a positive money blueprint.
I’m so sorry you were stupid with money.
I’m so sorry you can’t trust yourself with money.
I’m so sorry they don’t trust you with money.
I’m so sorry you don’t trust you with money.
I’m so sorry you aren’t trustworthy….”
Caught in the pain of the moment, the tears began to flow.
I knew there was something deeper coming up, and I asked….
“What do I do with this overwhelming emotion that I can’t trust myself,
What do I do with this feeling of shame that at a core level, I am not trustworthy?
If I am not trustworthy, I have no integrity….
I paused… wondering how I can solve this… for I know that as a child of God
I am loved all the way to eternity and back….
Yet still, I felt this deep despair of unworthiness…
“How can I come to a place of peace?”
“Is there an underlying reason for this feeling of being untrustworthy?
Is there a hidden underlying reason for this feeling of being untrustworthy?
I shifted to using The Emotion Code healing modality…
and discovered ancestral trapped emotions, many instances of
guilt and
in three different ancestral lines
many generations back….
Father’s Father’s Mother’s line…
All these and other hidden, trapped ancestral emotions had been distorting the clarity of my own soul…
Contributing to my experiences while in this mortal realm…
Coloring how I experience this world…
And affecting what I create and what I pass down the generational lines.This holistic healing process,
beginning during the night with compassion phrases,
brought to my conscious awareness the energy resonances of traumas in my ancestors’ life experience,
And now they can all be let go… and all can grow…
Sending compassion to my ancestors:
“I am so sorry for the difficult experiences you had.
I am so sorry for your trials and sorrows.
I am so sorry the energy and resonance of these trapped emotions carried down through to your descendants…”
Released, the trapped emotions shift and I feel calm now, and lighter,
Allowing the natural healing processes of internal energy to flow.
My inner world becomes more balanced,
The distortion of the lens is cleared, for them, for me, for all who were affected…
And we are free.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
It is done, it is done, it is done.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jun 23, 2017 | Authentic Wholeness, Happiness, Intuitive Downloads, Jo Lyn's Blog, Personal Empowerment, Self Improvement, Spirituality |
Permission Granted
Guidance received on May 23, 2017:
“You are hereby authorized to be all that you were meant to be,
to do all that you desire to do, and to create all that is in you to create.
This authority is vested in you by divine right from the Great Creator of All Things…”
I am enough.
I have healed enough.
I have cleared enough.
I know it.
God knows it.
My heart knows it.
I am ready.
And the universe is showing me how…
Across my desk a few weeks ago came a message from Jeff Goins, a writer’s coach,
entitled “Seven Ways to Power Up”. Jeff says:
1. Get out of your own way.
2. Filter out distractions vs your path.
3. Know who you really are.
4. Become discerning – ramp up your intuition.
5. Open up to new perspectives.
6. Respect yourself.
7. Be clear in your meaning, focus and purpose.
I realized that since my previous business life imploded,
I have been consciously working on all those things.
Jeff just outlined my process in seven succinct steps.
And I was nearly ready…
But I needed a number eight.
I needed one more thing…
I needed permission…
My own…
And God’s.
Years ago, when my outer world crashed, I lost my inner compass.
I lost my sense of who I was and what I was here to do.
I lost my sense of being valued in the world I lived in.
My sense of self-trust wavered.
Though my troubles were minuscule compared to some,
They were huge in my perspective.
When you’re in the middle of the pit of trauma and drama,
It can feel impossible to climb out.
Life is not an event, until it’s over.
While we’re still in human form, life is a process, a work in progress.
Stuff happens…
We change.
The world around us changes.
Sometimes it chews us up and spits us out.
Then we can choose.
Do we give up?
Turn inward?
Live small?
Well, maybe. Sometimes. Usually. Of course. YES. For a while, anyway.
As human’s it can take some time to process life events.
It’s natural to grieve what’s lost, especially when it was something we loved, sacrificed for, or identified with.
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
We flail around in these stages of grief, resisting and processing change.
But “The only thing constant in this world is change.”
This world was not designed to be perfect – it was designed to provide opportunities for growth.
That’s why, “the poor will always be with us” – because something is always hitting the fan somewhere on this planet.
Whomever is rich one moment may be poor the next. Those in power now may be in disgrace later.
Those who are strong, wealthy and charitable, may experience devastating circumstances and become needy.
That’s why we are given guidance such as, “thou shalt not judge”, and “as I have loved you, love one another”.
The Great Creator knew we would need help, support, and comfort
to get through the tough stuff with our faith and hope intact or restored…
and we can do it – we can pass through this “vale of tears” and come out on the other side
more humble, teachable, grateful, accepting, allowing, peaceful,
and strong and passionate in our purpose.
It took me some time to wade through the pain and reorient to a new life situation.
What I had perceived as loss was simply a blessing – an opportunity to learn different life lessons,
though at first, I did not see it that way.
I learned that I had much spiritual cleansing to do, and I am grateful that the Spirit works gently and lovingly.
I am grateful for all the earth angels that helped me through my pain and back onto a divinely led path.
I have learned that when fully aligned with the divine, I can be at peace in the midst of chaos –
“in the world but not of the world”.
Peace gives rise to gratitude. Gratitude empowers strength.
Strength inspires purpose. Purpose, fully lived, blooms into joy.
May we each become more whole, more of our best selves, and thus see life through new eyes.
“Permission Granted”, came the message.
“You are hereby authorized to be all that you were meant to be,
to do all that you desire to do, and to create all that is in you to create.
This authority is vested in you by divine right from the Great Creator of All Things”
The message is clear. We have been given permission from the Almighty,
the Great Creator of Heaven and Earth, to choose what we will be, and do, and have.
The power is in you to say yes to yourself.
I pray that you will be encouraged to choose life and light over darkness and despair.
Say yes to life, yes to love, and yes to living your gifts.
Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Dec 14, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, Mindfulness, SoulTalk |
Two Worries and One Knowing
This morning I said Goodbye to Two Worries…
Two Worries that have colored my world
For as long as I can remember…
And that’s a very, very long time.
I did not realize that these are just worldly worries…
I did not realize how heavy they were to carry…
Nor how many decisions I could have made differently…
And how many more amazing experiences I could have enjoyed…
Had I not ignorantly enlisted these worries as life-long companions.
Because I carried the worries,
I created a world that included them…
A world of efforting and struggle against those two worries…
Which compounded them into four worries…
And those into more worries…
Now I see how truly useless these worldly worries are….
And, now that truth has become evident to me,
I also see that I can lay them down as easily as I picked them up,..
I can surrender these worldly burdens and simply let them go.
This morning I said Goodbye to Two Worries.
Without these Two Worries,
The answer comes readily.
That has been my companion for longer than I can remember.
Just BE the Love you wish to see in the World.
– A SoulTalk message from Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 29, 2016 | Happiness, Jo Lyn's Blog, Life Transitions, SoulTalk |
This Thanksgiving was different.
No houseful of family or guests.
No hours in the kitchen preparing turkey and fixings….
We let our grown children experience their holiday without us…
And as new “empty nesters”,
we chose something different.
He wanted food and football…
I wanted chocolate and sweetness…
and added in some service as well.
Thanksgiving Day with my husband’s sister and her husband…
Dining out, we enjoyed exquisite meals…
Grateful for this experience of Affluence, Ease and Joy…
Then a movie… Marvel Adventures of Dr. Strange…
A traditional doctor of western medicine…
Experiencing a traumatic wake-up-call,
Broadening his awareness into the
World of Energetic Power and Force…
Chakras… Astral Bodies… Dealing with Offensive Entities…
Altered Perceptions… Spells… Crystals…
Manipulating Space and Time… Portals… Vortexes…
“Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My”….
If you understand the world of energy… you’ll love this!!
Friday Football on the Big Screen,
A comfortable night in our own bed,
Saturday morning service at the Seattle LDS Temple,
Then a “quick” trip across the State to visit my sweet Mother….
Who currently lives with the friends who “bought the back pasture”
over 40 years ago, and established their homestead there.
It quickly became evident that her caregivers’ health is precarious.
His bulging disc and 6 months of sciatica pain
led to back surgery scheduled for Monday…
and they had made no provision for extra help for Mother…
just planning to leave her “home alone” while he is in surgery….
Some optimists live in a state of blissful denial…
And keep going despite overwhelming odds…
Until they just can’t anymore.
I know.
I did that.
The ostrich syndrome.
Works only in the short term.
Not for the long term.
Change is always coming.
We can resist… and struggle…
Or accept… and shape the change…
Leave my 94 year old Mother “Home Alone”?
We decided to stay longer….
“What if he doesn’t get better, Jo Lyn?” she asked. “What shall we do?”
I lean toward her in compassionate strength…
“We will deal with it together, one step at a time.”
He no longer has the strength to serve Mother’s needs,
And she is too frail to manage the wheelchair…
And it’s clear to us that it’s time for her to move.
But six months ago she adamantly refused the offer of change….
A Sunday evening open discussion at my brother’s home
produced three good options from which Mother can choose.
Meditative prayer and Soultalk sessions.
Intuitive guidance received.
A list of specific actions to perform for specific family members.
So much to do, in this healing process of love…
Mother requested an outing to the bookstore on Monday.
She selected her books and went to the check stand…
Where a 60’s something customer stood by,
Who, “in-cahoots” with the clerk,
Paid for Mother’s books before she could even get out her wallet.
“Merry Christmas”, the lady said.
Surprised and startled, Mother said, “Thank you.
What just happened?” We all laughed, delighted at the exchange.
Three ladies in the store obviously recognized Mother from
her decades of Church service in the community…
But Mother no longer recognized them.
“Mother, she gave you a Christmas gift – she paid for your books.”
“Well, Thank You!” she managed again…
“And Merry Christmas to you, too!”
The ladies gather round, watching, smiling,
as mother slowly makes her way to the door.
“Merry Christmas… Merry Christmas… Merry Christmas….”
In the car, heading home, she said again,
“Why did she do that? I don’t know her from Adam or Eve!”
“Mother, she gave herself the gift of giving,
She honored you for your years of giving in the Church and community.
They knew you… perhaps you taught them as children… or led them in song…
or served at a dinner… a funeral… or helped at a wedding…
or knew them in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers….
They knew you, and honored you.
In some way, at some time, you blessed their lives,
and today, in this way, they blessed you with a simple gift.
And in blessing you, it blessed them to be able to give.
Lunchtime. A simple meal.
A request for healing for her caregiver,
who was still waiting for his surgery.
“I am concerned for him, and I am concerned for you all…”
opened a gentle discussion with Mother.
Her preferences explored…
An interim support system in activated…
She chooses my brother’s place.
It’s closer, and already designed to serve her mobility needs.
“But I will have to get rid of a bunch of stuff before I move…”
“No worries, Mom, we will help. We can work it all out.”
Traveling home before the roads ice over,
“She wants to come to you… “
I love Mother dearly, and would love for her to come to us…
To care for her for the rest of her days,
However short or long that may be.
But to be able to manage her needs with ease,
Another change is needed.
Unpacking, in a quiet moment,
I sense my departed father near.
“Hello, Dad,” I say. “Are we doing okay for Mom?”
Is it right for her to go to my brother’s place?
Do you want her to come to me?
Then here’s what I need you to help me with…
A more generous size home.
Closer to my husband’s work.
And within our stated budget.
There are Angels Among Us…
On both sides of the veil.
Aligning all for the highest and best good.
Blessing energy flows abundantly,
Bathing us all in an abundance of Affluence, Ease and Joy,
As much as we are willing and ready to receive…
I am grateful for this Gratitude Weekend…
For the spiritual gifts I am able to activate for myself and others…
for the results of my SoulTalk healing sessions…
Empathic clearing of ancestral and present emotions….
The feedback I am beginning to receive is amazing…
My sister’s disability released enough that she was able
(and courageous enough) to drive her car for the first time in 12 years.
My nephew now free of rage that trapped him for years in fear and pain and isolation.
My disabled son now working… taking on life responsibilities in a new way….
Funds sufficient for our needs…
Simple, but profound, the blessings are flowing…
A real estate transaction resolution… “Your check is ready”…
I am excited to see what shows up next.
Thank you, thank you, thank you….
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 11, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, SoulTalk |
Soul Talk Meditations
SoulTalk meditations dig deep into the past
Discovering myriads of inherited ancestral sorrows…
Opening a Pandora’s Box of anguish experienced by generations past…
Echoing, unresolved, compounded through the ages…
Resonating through time, dimension, space and reality…
Twisting our current mortal reality with ancient echos of hidden pains…
Troubling us with fears and insecurities,
Clouding our dreams and blocking our growth.
Discovering the raw pain of the human condition.
Why seek I this path of sorrows?
Why do I walk again these painful roads?
Why open these gates of despair and horror,
Hidden humiliation, pride, shame, shock, worthlessness and more…
Exposing anew the old vulnerabilities, despairs and heartaches?
Why not leave this mess hidden in the past?
Why not let the dead stay buried?
Blame love.
Love brought me to this place of compound sorrows.
Blessed with my own mortal travesty,
Defeated, lost and broken, I asked,
“Can I come home now?”
“No, said Death.
You’re not allowed” and stepped aside.
Divine Light found a window…
Compassion touched my forlorn heart
And said that faith could make me whole.
That there is more that I am meant to do
Among the souls of men.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…”
“See that ye take care of these sacred things…”
I read the words.
The Spirit whispers.
And I have learned to listen.
Prayerful, meditative communion with God,
The Great Creator of All Things.
The Master Healer.
“See that ye look to God and live.”
Sacred Gifts.
The gift of healing.
The gift of intercessory prayer.
The gift of empathy.
The gift of writing.
The gift of soul connection.
The gift of hope.
The gift of Love.
The gift of joy.
The frailties and transient pains of my own body reveal
The anguished cries of souls long dead…
They cry out from the dust,
Trapped in the terror of unbelief from ages past,
When the Light withdrew,
Leaving them alone,
Subject to the ravages of darkness, violence and force
Of the centuries in which they lived.
I feel them.
Connected in the wee hours of the morning
I feel the spirit speak.
I ask, and the discovery charts reveal the issues ready to be released…
Do I need to know what it is?
Do I need to know where it came from?
Do I need to know how many felt this?
Can I clear this now?
I send all to the Light of God
Where the sorrows are transmuted,
Where souls are received by Angels
And guided to their next level of progression.
Once cleared, then comes a still-point moment between moments,
A quantum resting where the energies shift and settle
To a new level of perception.
A freedom from the past.
A deep breath of clarity.
And a new beginning.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It has only just begun.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Oct 20, 2016 | Jo Lyn's Blog, Money, Personal Empowerment |
Living an Expansive Life
I recently went to a live 2 day seminar at the end of a 90 day business mastermind program.
During the program, I was asked, “what do you really want out of life?”
I have pondered that question for a couple years now,
as I accomplished most of the goals I set out for myself when I was young…
and have not known what else I really wanted to pursue.
I have had a good life.
More blessed that many.
I’ve experienced “rich” and “poor”, “healthy” and “ill”, “loved” and “unloved”, and many other states of being.Having released the emotional triggers associated with the negative experiences,
and feeling blessed by the positive experiences, I’m good with all of it…
So the challenge – “what do you really want out of life?” remained a puzzle…
I could say “I want $xx,xxx” monthly to spend on whatever I want.
But my mentor said that was ridiculous. What if I needed $xxx,xxx, or $x,xxx,xxx for an emergency?
Then that lower amount would not satisfy anything at all.Looking around me at the amazingly beautiful surroundings in the hotel on the beach…
I realized that it was not a specific dollar amount that I would want to seek for.
What I really want is “An Expansive Life.”
And to me, and expansive life is the means and ability to go where-ever I would like to go,
when-ever I would like to go, to participate in whatever I would like to participate in,
and to experience whatever I would like to experience,
including to be free to learn and share with anyone I would like to come in contact with.
To me, that’s Expansive Living.
The mastermind seminar ended on Friday.
I enjoyed a beautiful evening outside dining experience with a number of wonderful new friends.
Then Saturday morning, I had several hours to spare before I needed to head to the airport.
I slept in until I woke refreshed,
Dressed simply and went out onto the walkway leading to the beach.
The weathered wood handrail ended with a couple steps down to the sand…
And I paused.
Energetic muscle testing before I left for the trip had told me that I did not need to bring my walking sticks.
My husband was not with me to lend me his hand.
I looked at the deepness of the sand mounds and “knew” that my feet would flounder in the shifting depths….
I leaned against the end of the railing…
Gazing at the ocean just 50 yards away.
Would it be okay to just stand there and look?
Would it be okay to not actually go to the water?
I pondered.
I could be at peace with that.
I took a few snapshots… and breathed in deeply.
The beach lounge chairs obstructed the expansiveness of the ocean…
But it was okay.
I could smell the salty air and feel the ocean breezes.
No need to go down on the sand…
because if I did, based on past experience,
chances are that I would soon be floundering around in on my knees…
And then I remembered my new desire…
To live an expansive life.
I was standing on the sidelines leaning safely on the railing.
Is that expansive?
No. Suddenly, I wanted to step out of my comfort zone…
There had to be a way.
But how could I get to the ocean?
I may have to crawl.
People would see me on my hands and knees.
It would be embarrassing.
But would that matter?
They don’t know me and I don’t know them.
People are just people.
My self limiting beliefs and physical limitations don’t affect them at all…
So why should I care about being embarrassed?
and there, off to the left,
I saw the most beautiful thing leaning against the towel stand.

I edged my way over and took hold of it…
And suddenly empowered…
Out onto the sand I went… walking upright.
Expanding my conception of what I thought I was capable of.
The sand was warm under my feet.
I made it to a beach lounge chair,
sat down and took some photos…
called my husband a continent away…
and told him of my adventures…
out where it wasn’t “safe”.
He laughed with me.
I stood again and made my way to the water…
walking ankle deep in the foam…
letting the waves rush over my feet…
I found that when standing still,
the receding water pulled the sand out from under me…
As long as I was walking…
Step by step…
Supported by the walking stick,
And enjoy the experience.
Yes. An expansive life… that’s what I want…
Oh wait… I am already living expansively…
I’m here, walking on the sand in Palm Beach.
Thank you, thank you, thank you….
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Oct 17, 2016 | Career, Jo Lyn's Blog, Mindfulness, Personal Empowerment |
Mastermind Your Life
I’ve been in Business Masterminds in the past.
Excellent programs.
I loved the learning, I loved the content, I loved the presentations,
and most of all, I loved the people.
But somehow, I couldn’t seem to maximize the experiences enough
to create the real business breakthrough results I wanted…
regardless of how much time and money I invested,
or how diligently I worked at the systems.
Floundering around, intermittently dipping one toe
in the waters of what it takes to succeed,
I saw others rising to new heights, and I asked,
“Why can’t I do the same?”
“What is holding me back?”
Ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answers.
I found that disconnect was within me.
But what, exactly was that disconnect?
And could I ever clear it?
I withdrew from the groups to regroup,
and invested in a different kind of learning…
A deep personal journey of Holistic Healing.
Along this path, insight emerged,
“line upon line, precept upon precept”….
awakening to my conscious awareness
the dusty remnants of old hurts and fears…
disconnects, heart walls,
misconceptions, misperceptions,
offensive energies, resentments,
emotional triggers, old memories, grief, sorrows,
personal traumas and even dysfunctional ancestral patterns
passed down through generations of time.
“You must clear the past to be free to go forward and create a new future.”
Powerful energy healing tools and plenty of practice honed my intuitive skills.
I released bundles of hurts hiding deep within my soul.
Little by little, my fears fell away, and as my energy shifted…
the blocks that had erstwhile held me bound
dissolved – neutralized and transmuted in the light of truth.
As my inner world shifted, my physical world changed, too.
opening the door for new possibilities.
Third Time’s a Charm
A 90 day Mastermind invitation showed up in my inbox…
an opportunity to expand my capability and productivity,
in the most effective business model in the field of my choice…
Clearly this was an opportunity to test the strength of my wings
and learn from the best of the best.
I’d already collected the required software.
My budget was tight, but doable.
The resources were there…
So I just jumped in.
Great intentions are only part of the equation.
There must needs be power of purpose to fuel momentum,
and strong guidelines to hold me to the course.
90 days. I can do anything for 90 days.
Still, life happens.
Out during the critical week number three
for a not-to-be missed family reunion
gave me the feeling of always trying to catch up.
Technology snafus and misunderstandings of expectations
split my focus into too many aspects of the training simultaneously.
I tried to do everything perfectly…
but gaps in my technical expertise prove that I remain human.
Week after week of zeros on my Friday accountability reports
seemed to predict the same old story…
that I wasn’t cut out for success, even in the best program around.
One of my mentors called me on it… and she was right.
Deep within, the echoes of old self-defeating thoughts
were rising to the surface.
I checked-in to my truth…
“Is this business path still correct for me?”
“OK, how can I get through this next roadblock?”
“Don’t let anything hold you back. Find another way.”
Remembering the guidance of the Mentors,
I applied what I’d learned and just kept going.
It rings true that you can’t succeed alone…
For what is success, but personal growth
in your ability to serve those around you?
The mentorship and accountability of a Mastermind group
inspires growth and expansion.
Small actions, consistently multiplied,
create the desired results we call “success”.
My Mastermind breakthrough came about 45 days in,
listening to our Director-of-Awesome demanding
that we stop waiting to perfect our technical expertise…
and requiring us jump first to THE ONE THING that makes the most difference…
connecting with those who might actually want what we have to offer,
listening to their needs, and discovering which of them are ready to receive.
All we truly need, in order to begin, is to know what to say,
who to call, and the ability to use a telephone.
Thus released from elusive perfection,
I picked up my cell phone…
took a deep breath,
and made that first call….
And I didn’t die.
So I called another… and another… and another…
Until I began looking forward to the practice
and enjoying the conversations, regardless of their outcome.
Mastermind Your Life
Why should you join a Mastermind?
To maximize your life, of course.
We come together from many walks of life,
in different stages of accomplishment.
None of us know everything.
All of us know something.
Each of us brings our own unique gifts.
And we share.
For the benefit of all who are ready to receive.
Decide to grow.
Choose the right Mastermind for you.
Prepare for exponential growth.
Participate fully.
Grow exponentially.
Internalize your new level of productivity…
continue your momentum,
Then go for another 90 day Mastermind growth sprint.
Discover the gifts within you…
Choose where you want to go…
Learn from those who have gone there before you…
Add your own uniqueness to the mix.
Mastermind your life.
It’s the secret sauce that you can leverage for success.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Sep 26, 2016 | Community, Jo Lyn's Blog |
I pray that the Lord God will Bless this Nation with Good Leaders…
…who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
…who place the well-being of it’s people above personal fame or gain,
…who stand for truth and rightness and eschew corruption,
…who have strength and integrity of body, mind, spirit and character,
…and who seek to be guided by Divine Light in decision making.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Aug 23, 2016 | Happiness, Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, Relationships |
Lemon Water Healing Story
I recently spent a week with my 94 year old Mother while her caregivers were away on vacation. She asked what I had been working on recently. I shared with her about my energy healing work. I explained that there is an underlying energetic and subconscious component to every disease and disorder, and that the holistic healing work I do helps identify and release the stress of these stuck energies so the body can more easily heal itself. She was curious and wondered if I could help her.
I was specifically enjoying working with the app that comes with The Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. I find that using this app as Dr. Nelson teaches allows me to get to the underlying emotional or physical causes of the issues and release the energy of them, thus allowing the body’s natural healing ability to flow.
She began telling me of her current symptoms and issues – some that had been bothering her just recently, and others that had been life long issues. I used The Body Code app and applied the healing process, and she said she felt better.
It was so sweet to be able to tuck her into bed that night – to express my love for her and appreciate her gentle, loving soul. But I was a little worried. Her health is so fragile, that I feared the energy shifting would be too much for her. Thankfully, upon awakening the next morning… I listened intently for any sounds from her room, grateful that she was still with me, and had not chosen to pass on during the night. Such a relief!
The next few days were amazing. She would tell me things, I would write them down, then when she was napping, I would do the energy clearing on her behalf. When she awoke, she wanted me to give her a report about what I had discovered and shared.
She wanted to understand it more herself. She is an avid reader, so we went to the bookstore and she bought “The Emotion Code” by Dr. Nelson. She also bought Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins, and Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. These gave her enough of an understanding of energy healing that she asked me to do more. It was a delight to find her telling me even of her girlhood fears… and asking them to be released. It was such a joy to help my mother come to a greater sense of peace.
In the course of this concentrated work, I found patterns of ancestral inheritances – one ancestor in particular, 9 generations back from my mother, who had experienced a great deal of trauma in her life here on earth. These ancestral emotions had been inherited by my mother (as well as me and some of my children). We were able to release them, which helped my mother relax and feel better.

The most dramatic physical effects my mother experienced from this work were:
1) Better sleep (she is now able to sleep about 6 hours at a time, in contrast to her previous pattern of only sleeping 3 hours at a time).
2) No more shakiness. She had been experiencing random pattern of shaking spells, which neither her medical doctor nor her naturopath had been able to help her relieve… but The Body Code app showed me that the underlying cause of her symptom was too much acidity in the body… and the “cure” was to drink the juice of 1/2 of a lemon in pure water, daily. Such an easy fix – and no great risk, so she was totally willing to try it! We didn’t have fresh lemons in the house, but we had a bottle of lemon juice in the refrigerator… so we tried it 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in a cup of water (she wanted hers warm) did the trick. No more shaking spells!
A week after my visit, my brother who lives nearby stopped in to see her, He was delighted to find Mother healthy, happy and with more energy and zest for life than she has shown for a very long time. He made a point of calling to tell me that he sees a light in her eyes now that he hasn’t seen in years. Thanks to energy healing work, perhaps my mother will live another 10 years or more – happily and healthy. I certainly hope so!
Blessings to all … Jo Lyn
P.S. I Love My Mother
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Aug 12, 2016 | Intuitive Downloads, Jo Lyn's Blog |
Across the Pond Where the Whippoorwills Sing
Last week at our family reunion I received a Priesthood blessing
confirming my gift of healing, and was told that it is time for me to step into using it fully
on behalf of myself, my family, my ancestors and for those who come to me for healing.
I was blessed with increased intuitive capacity to know when those around me are ready for healing, and how to best help them.
I was blessed to be healed myself in body, mind, spirit and soul, and that from this time forward my life will be pure joy.
But then…
Yesterday, while accompanying my disabled son
to a medical visit, the SS office, the bank and apartment hunting…
my body became increasingly pained,
heavy, sluggish, overwhelmed,
slow to move,
and more less-than-joyful symptoms…
I was so grateful to make it back home (2 hour drive) about 9 pm…
And before my husband came home from work,
I struggled,
Lumbering about the house…
Struggling to put my luggage away…
Full of physical pain,
Barely able to move from one room to another…
Every joint and tissue aching from the inside out…
It finally got my attention enough that
I stopped and asked.
Is this knee pain ancestral?
Can I release it?
Do I need to know more about it?
Anger flared.
I felt intruded upon by my ancestors.
But I did the muscle testing and discovered
The pain came from 252 generations back,
from my mother’s father’s line…
Released it, but felt pressured to do more…
As if they were lining up to hit me with their pains
One at a time…
Myriads of them…
And I became discouraged,
Thinking that my physical pain and suffering would never end…
And I lost my temper.
I yelled out loud at my ancestors.
I rebuked them for burdening me physically
with the pain and agony they felt
while in their mortal lives.
I told them their lives were their own.
That while I was happy to help
Out of love,
That the responsibility for their own salvation
Is a sacred communication
between each one of them and God…
That I can facilitate their healing
but not carry their burdens…
And I said, “NO MORE!”
I told them I was promised complete healing
in body, mind, spirit and soul
and a life full of joy,
but this physical debilitation is not joy.
Still suffering with the resonance of pain,
I retired for the night.
Grateful to be able to sleep safely
In my comfortable, just right, bed.
Early this morning…
A song came into my mind.
Tune and words complete,
A lilting melody…
“Across the pond
Where the whippoorwills sing,
I lost my heart
And gained a ring.
I lost my heart
And gained a ring,
Across the pond
Where the whippoorwills sing”.
I felt the lightness and joy of the song.
Moving carefully,
I arose.
Still woozy from yesterday’s pain,
But a little better, as always, after a night’s rest.
The song came again…
And I sang it…
Feeling the tune until I got it right…
My voice stronger and clearer than it has been in years.
Intuitively, I asked…
Is this my song?
Is it a song of an ancestor?
Will I find it online?
Am I to know this ancestor?
Muscle testing found her…
32 generations of mothers back…
She lived in England long ago…
And she serves me now,
As one of my guardian angels,
Giving me whatever I ask for in this life.
Did I ask for pain?
And you gave it to me?
And now I ask for joy?
And the joy is in the song?
Does it bring you joy to hear me sing it?
Then I shall sing,
And share the joy.
Yours… and mine…
in the singing…
“Across the pond,
Where the wind blows free
I met my love
And he met me.
I met my love
And he met me
Across the pond,
Where the wind blows free.”
This ancestor,
For whom I have released
Many a pain…
I am now blessed
To be able to receive and share her joy.
Dear Ancestors…
I love you.
I thank you.
You have lived your mortal life
And I am living mine.
I choose to be whole,
I choose for my body to be more
Strong, slender, sound, and full of light.
No more pain.
I have had enough pain.
I am blessed now with complete healing
in body, mind, spirit and soul.
If you lived in this world under a soul contract
Of struggle and pain,
Know that all you need to do
To release that is to
And Accept the Divine Light and Love
Of the Great Creator of All Things….
There is no need for you to give me
Your physical, mental, or emotional pains…
You need but Turn, and Look to the infinite
Love and Light above
Wherein your own salvation lies.
And should you wish to commune with me
I am open to receiving your joy…
Through the veil of consciousness…
I am so excited
To feel and acknowledge
And share
Your joy…
“Across the pond,
Where the waters flow
I found my love
And joy I know…
I found my love
And joy I know…
Across the pond,
Where the waters flow.”
And so it is.
– Jo Lyn Cornelsen

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