Healing Story
Healing Story:
Betty Marie Lyman Rasmussen age 95 at Point Ruston on Commencement Bay, Tacoma WA, August 19, 2017.
Yesterday we took Mother (age 95) with us to the park at Point Ruston, a new, re-developed waterfront community just outside of Tacoma WA, overlooking Commencement Bay. Sporting a wide brim hat and sunglasses, safe in her wheelchair, she laughed as she saw children playing with their parents in the water spray park, watched families pedal the surrey four wheel cycles up and down Ruston Way Path, and enjoyed a hot fudge sundae while listening to a street singer.
During part of our walk along the bay, she became frightened as she looked down the 10 feet of rock into the deep water. By the time we got home, she was experiencing lower back pain. We thought that an anti-inflammatory, a back rub and a night’s rest may take care of it, but her pain was still there this morning.
She wanted to go to Church this morning just to take the Sacrament, and then leave the meeting and come home and go back to bed. She purposefully left her purse and the hearing amplifier home – which was quite uncharacteristic of her. I reassured her that it is okay to do what is needed to nurture and comfort oneself.
Since there had been no fall or any physical injury, I surmised that there could be underlying trapped emotions that had come to the surface, triggered when she saw the cliff of rocks and the deep water. Muscle testing Q&A revealed a pattern of inherited insecurities and other emotions 16 and 21 generations back. Millions of instances of them. I used the processes I know and released them.
I asked mother if she remembered ever falling down a cliff or into deep water, and she reminded me of one winter many years ago, on their way to their mountain property to get a Christmas tree, their car slid off the icy bridge and into the river. The car sank, but Dad, Mother, and my brother Jim and his wife Gail were able to get out. Chilled to the bone and dripping wet, they managed to scramble up the snowy, rocky riverbank and climb up onto the road. Thankfully, another landowner just happened to come along, and he got them to safety.
The fear and shock of that traumatic experience has been stuck inside Mother all these years. My parents didn’t know how to deal with emotions, so their way of survival was to “suck it up and just keep going”.
But now, knowledge of energy healing modalities gives us the ability to release and balance the underlying mental and emotional components of pain, stress, disease and trauma. We no longer have to internalize and hold on to the pain. We can acknowledge the feelings brought up by our experiences, consciously let them go, and return to a state of calmness.
I used my energy healing processes on her behalf to release the fears and the tension, both her own and ancestral. Muscle testing indicated that the release was complete, but when we got into the chapel, she was still fussy – her hands shaking. I encouraged her to breathe deeply and allow the energy shift – to let go of the fear and the tension, so the pain could be released.
On the way home from church, Mother said that her back pain had eased up, that she is amazed at how powerful the energy healing work is, and that if things keep going like they are, she’ll be with us for many years to come.
Thank you for reading this healing story.
Blessings to all.
– Jo Lyn
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