The Gift of Time
The Gift of Time
Today I am grateful for the Gift of Time. Time to be introspective. Time to focus on this amazing Gratitude practice. Time to share it with others. I’m only on Day 7, but the blessings are already coming into my circle of awareness.
I have been journaling my experience of this 28 Day Gratitude Practice on Facebook, and some people asked if I would guide them along in the process, too. So I created a Facebook Group for the 28 Day Gratitude Practice, and invited them and a few other like-minded friends to join together and ring in this New Year with joy. It’s only been up for a few hours, but I am grateful for the positive response. At last count over 80 people have joined in. I will post the daily practice as outlined in “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, along with my personal practice journal entries. Group members are invited to post their experiences and thoughts, too. It will be available there to remember and renew the practice of gratitude whenever needed.
28 Day Gratitude Practice: Day 7, Counting My Blessings
- Today I am grateful for serendipitous synchronicities… those things that just seem to show up when and where they are needed.Three days ago I took time out of a busy day to watch and take notes on a Robbins Madanes Training video, where a coach was coached on how to enroll clients. There were several specific points that stood out to me. Two days later I received a request for business coaching… and serendipitously, I knew just how to respond.
That same day, my daughter was asked by her employer to do free-lance coaching/tutoring for one of his counseling clients to specifically help her through the fearful task of filing her taxes and managing her money. My daughter is well qualified to do so and was honored to accept, but unsure about how to structure the process. I read her the notes I took from the video and how I responded to the request for coaching that came to me… it was perfect for her needs, too. Oh yes, I love serendipitous synchronicities.2. I am grateful for great friends and family who reach out in small ways to lift, inspire, and encourage me, and each other, along this path of purpose.
3. I am grateful for the sacred spiritual gifts that God imparts to human hearts… that we are each empowered with the abilities we need to create in our lives, that which we truly seek.
4. I am grateful for the gift of time. Time gives a semblance of structure and organization to our world. Time gives us a context within with to celebrate accomplishments and special days…
5. I am grateful for circles, for their inclusiveness.
6. I am grateful for squares, for their symmetry. So I can experience “stepping out of the box”.
7. I am grateful for randomness. Randomness allows variety and sparks creativity.
8. I am grateful for the law of gravity. So I can experience connectedness and ground with Mother Earth.
9. I am grateful for the sky. I always have something to look up to.
10. I am grateful for music. Music is art + math + science rolled together. Beautiful music brings order to my mind, calmness to my body, and peace to my spirit.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It is done, It is done, It is done.Jo Lyn Cornelsen
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