by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 14, 2019 | Holistic Healing, SoulTalk |
We’ve been contemplating our post-retirement move – which quickly became an adventure in house hunting. Not being as physically strong and capable as in years past, one of the thoughts that kept coming up for me was: “Who am I to have a house of my own?”, and “I have no value as a human being, what makes me think it is okay to have a house?”
Self-deprecating thoughts are, of course, self-defeating. Negative thoughts bring up deeply held emotions of shame, self-loathing, guilt for taking up space in the world, hopelessness, and an explicable self-limiting belief that something is intrinsically wrong with me.
Why do some people grow up with an innate sense of well-being, and others grow up emotionally insecure?
The answer to that is finally coming to light for me. Studying the latest research by leading scientists and therapists in trauma healing, I have a name for an underlying reason for my struggles with low self-esteem, and my continual need to study all things “holistic healing”. That name is “Developmental Trauma Disorder” – a term coined by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk and his peers, as explained in his book “The Body Keeps the Score”. Understanding that in our earliest years, we create a perceptual map of what the world is like (safe vs unsafe), and that these deep subconscious beliefs drive our thoughts, emotions, behaviors and even abilities as we go through life… is enlightening.
For years, I’ve sensed that not everything is the way I perceive it to be. For decades, I held onto specific hurtful and confusing events from childhood as “evidence” that there was something wrong with me. Now I know that how my psyche shaped those internal perceptions was simply a result of my early childhood experiences. There’s nothing “wrong” with me as a human being. I’m not an unwanted piece of trash. For me, my developmental trauma was mostly based on my impression, at birth, that they were disappointed in me because I was a girl instead of a boy. They had no idea how that affected my sense of self worth… but here I am decades later – telling you about it – so it was not something I could “just get over”. Being a helpless, impressionable infant, my immature neurological system believed that there was something intrinsically wrong with me… and I was therefore at risk of not being safe in the world. I couldn’t simply “become a boy”… so I worked really hard to fit in and be significant in my family… thus ensuring my survival… but always felt an underlying sense of “not being enough”. And until my recent studies, I didn’t have the words to explain it.
So why am I sharing this “deep, dark inner secret” about my own mixed up psyche?
Why would I tell anyone about feeling worthless and undeserving as a human being?
Because last night, in meditation, I was able to clear (release and resolve) that old perceptual belief.
And that frees me to heal… to see myself as healthy… a fully embodied soul… capable, resilient, and whole.
And if I can do it… then maybe this will help someone else who suffers from DTD…
In my bed, I struggle to sleep. Failing that, I begin meditation. Knowing about Developmental Trauma Disorder gives me a greater understanding of the source of my decades of low self-esteem, I began working through my meditative question and answer process:
“I am Jo Lyn. Yes…
I have value as a human being. No…
Is this lack of value a divine truth? No…
Is this lack of value a belief? Yes…
Is this an ancestral belief? No…
Is this a collective belief? No…
Is this my own belief? Yes…
Is this a conscious belief? No…
Is this a subconscious belief? Yes…
I have value as a human being. No…”
Pausing, I feel the self-defeating belief deeply in my belly… visualizing the branches of my unmyelinated dorsal vagus nerve enmeshed throughout my visceral organs. The vagus nerve is directly connected to the limbic, reptilian part of my brain – the fight/flight/freeze command center – which was all I had to work with as an infant.
Tears flow from my eyes, running silently down the sides of my face, wetting my ears and my pillow. I couldn’t have known then, that just because they wanted a boy, did not mean that there was something wrong with me.
“I forgive myself for not knowing.
I forgive myself for being a baby when I was a baby.
I forgive them and myself for being human.
Can I clear this subconscious belief? Yes…
Do I know how to do it? Yes… “
Hands on my heart, I being tapping gently, intentionally…
“Clearing lack of value as a human being.
Releasing lack of value as a human being.
Resolving this developmental traumatic perception of lack of value as a human being.”
Tapping, clearing, releasing, resolving….
Sighing deeply, I feel the tendons and ligaments in my hip relax to a new level.
The decades old, unfinished fight/flight energy associated with feeling unsafe is allowed to process.
My hips and legs begin slight movements, which I recognize as completion movements related to flight…
“I am Jo Lyn. Yes…
I have value as a human being. Yes…”
Smiling, I continue…
“I am Jo Lyn. Yes…
I have value as a human being. Yes…
I create and share value with the world. Yes…
I am supported as I create and share value with others. Yes…
I am Jo Lyn. Yes…
I have value as a human being. Yes…
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is done, it is done, it is done.”
Now… I can go house hunting and feel great about it!
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Apr 3, 2018 | Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads, Jo Lyn's Blog, SoulTalk |
I awaken, thoughts of my loved ones going through my mind.
I muscle test for which of them I should pray and meditate.
This morning – the meditation is for my husband.
In my mind’s eye, I place him in a Circle of Divine Light.
I am directed to give myself compassion for things that have come up for him, that seem to be holding him back, and which affect both of us.
I muscle test each phrase for truth, seeking the right words to describe the right energies to be shifted and cleared.
I address the phrases as if from my higher self to my current self…
I am so sorry your husband does not have the opportunity to fully serve to his capacity at work.
I am so sorry he is stuck in a limited role.
I am so sorry they don’t realize his value to contribute.
I am so sorry he gets frustrated that they don’t value his contribution.
I am so sorry they devalue his ability to contribute meaningfully because he is older than they.
I am so sorry they see age as a handicap.
I am so sorry they don’t see his work experience and capabilities as the great resource it truly is.
I am so sorry his opportunities are limited.
Is there another perspective to explore?
Self-directed compassion continued, this time for our son.
I am so sorry your son doesn’t make enough money to pay for his own apartment.
I am so sorry he makes too much money to qualify for the low income apartment.
I am so sorry he will have no place to live unless some doors open up for him.
I am so sorry it is all your responsibility.
I am so sorry you need a miracle for him.
I am so sorry you need a miracle right now for him.
I am so sorry you will always have to help your son.
I am so sorry he was born with a so many limitations.
I am so sorry his disability is all your fault.
I am so sorry you will always be stressed regarding his well-being.
I am so sorry for your sorrows…
I am so sorry you internalize your sorrows.
I am so sorry your internalized stress becomes physical pain.
I am so sorry you are not able to consciously transform your physical well being into good health, strength and balance.
I am so sorry that stress and poor health affect your financial well being.
I am so sorry that no matter what you do, you cannot succeed.
I am so sorry that no matter what healing method you apply, it will not work.
I am so sorry that you must live in poverty all the days of your life.
I must live in poverty all the days of my life?
Wait – I have a soul contract to live in poverty all the days of my life?
A series of past life events flash through my mind.
So many distorted perceptions…
Affecting everything I did and all those whom I love…
Did I inherit that soul contract?
Did I think that I had to be poor to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven?…
That I had to be poor to be loved by God?
God loves you from infinity, to infinity, and beyond.
Do I need to know more about this soul contract?
You have come full circle in your journey.
You are ready to move on.
Spirit guided me through the correct process to end this self-limiting soul contract.
I rested in the energy of realization and release for long moments…
Then came a Q & A session with Spirit…
There is such a thing as shared karma.
Did that soul contract of poverty affect my husband’s career?
Did that soul contract affect my husband’s ability to provide for our family?
So… no matter how hard we tried, and how hard we worked, it was all for nothing, because of that soul contract of poverty?
No? It was not for nothing?
Correct. With every project, you learned.
With every effort, you grew stronger.
With every accomplishment, you succeeded.
With every act of service, you shared love.
Yes, but we could never seem to hold onto what we created…
It is my fault that we lost our beautiful property?
Yes, the soul contract affected that outcome.
Despite all your giving, you were not able to receive.
Yet, the soul contract gave you something to strive for.
Your challenges gave you a reason to seek God.
And in all your trials, you have always been watched over and cared for.
Yes, I see. We were afraid, but we never lacked for food and shelter and … love.
So… were we meant to move on from there?
We were meant to come here… to care for Mother…
To experience all of this clutter clearing, downsizing, resting and healing and growing and connecting time?
Life is continually changing… as we grow?
Yes, to live a full clear life is to allow the flow.
Can I make a new soul contract?
One of my own conscious choosing?
Spirit guided me to create a new soul contract.
Sacred to me… with just the right words…
Hopeful, joyful, generous, empowering words.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I will rest in this new, more joyful energy for a time,
feel into this new, more expansive soul contract,
and allow my world to shift and flow.
It is done, it is done, it is done.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jul 1, 2017 | Authentic Wholeness, Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads, Jo Lyn's Blog, SoulTalk |
After attending another Compassion Key session led by Edward Mannix,
I dreamed compassion statements all night long,
becoming consciously aware of this as I began to awake in the early morning hours.
Most of the statements repeated in my mind were things like:
“I’m so sorry they didn’t teach you the truth about money.
I’m so sorry they said you’d never be rich.
I’m so sorry they said you couldn’t manage money.
I’m so sorry you can never be rich.”
I’ve done much energy work and holistic healing regarding old misconceptions and trapped emotions.
I know the truth – that my soul value is infinite and this world is only transitory…
so none of these phrases triggered any emotional hurt.
Rather, they felt strangely comforting, so I kept going… and as the words began to shift, they touched deeper and deeper into my psyche…
“I’m so sorry you can’t have money because you’re a girl.
I’m so sorry girls are not smart enough to have money.
I’m so sorry he said you’d never be rich if you married him.
I’m so sorry he didn’t know the truth of who you are.
I’m so sorry he valued money more than the joy and happiness of his children.
I’m so sorry he held so many inner conflicts from his own childhood.
I’m so sorry his inner pain and conflicts affected your life experiences in such a big way.
I’m so sorry you have experienced poverty but can never experience wealth.
I’m so sorry you’ll never get to see what it feels like to be generous in a big way in the world.
I’m so sorry you will never achieve your dreams.
I’m so sorry big dreams coming true is for other people, not you.
I”m so sorry you had to ask permission to buy anything for yourself.
I’m so sorry you couldn’t spend $8 for a white blouse unless you asked permission.
I’m so sorry you weren’t worth it.
I’m so sorry you were not trusted with money.
I’m so sorry he didn’t know what to do with money himself.
I’m so sorry he thought if he actually got money, someone would come and take it all away.
I’m so sorry when you got money, the economy crashed and it was all taken away.
I’m so sorry you proved him right.
I’m so sorry you couldn’t be trusted with money.
I’m so sorry that no matter how you studied, you couldn’t figure out how to keep the money and grow it into wealth.
I’m so sorry you didn’t have a positive money blueprint.
I’m so sorry you were stupid with money.
I’m so sorry you can’t trust yourself with money.
I’m so sorry they don’t trust you with money.
I’m so sorry you don’t trust you with money.
I’m so sorry you aren’t trustworthy….”
Caught in the pain of the moment, the tears began to flow.
I knew there was something deeper coming up, and I asked….
“What do I do with this overwhelming emotion that I can’t trust myself,
What do I do with this feeling of shame that at a core level, I am not trustworthy?
If I am not trustworthy, I have no integrity….
I paused… wondering how I can solve this… for I know that as a child of God
I am loved all the way to eternity and back….
Yet still, I felt this deep despair of unworthiness…
“How can I come to a place of peace?”
“Is there an underlying reason for this feeling of being untrustworthy?
Is there a hidden underlying reason for this feeling of being untrustworthy?
I shifted to using The Emotion Code healing modality…
and discovered ancestral trapped emotions, many instances of
guilt and
in three different ancestral lines
many generations back….
Father’s Father’s Mother’s line…
All these and other hidden, trapped ancestral emotions had been distorting the clarity of my own soul…
Contributing to my experiences while in this mortal realm…
Coloring how I experience this world…
And affecting what I create and what I pass down the generational lines.This holistic healing process,
beginning during the night with compassion phrases,
brought to my conscious awareness the energy resonances of traumas in my ancestors’ life experience,
And now they can all be let go… and all can grow…
Sending compassion to my ancestors:
“I am so sorry for the difficult experiences you had.
I am so sorry for your trials and sorrows.
I am so sorry the energy and resonance of these trapped emotions carried down through to your descendants…”
Released, the trapped emotions shift and I feel calm now, and lighter,
Allowing the natural healing processes of internal energy to flow.
My inner world becomes more balanced,
The distortion of the lens is cleared, for them, for me, for all who were affected…
And we are free.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
It is done, it is done, it is done.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jan 26, 2017 | Career, Life Transitions, SoulTalk |
Just need to express myself for a moment… One of my 3 web services clients just cancelled.
I’ve served them for over 3 years… and all the details their new web service guy needs he has already gotten from the website and social media I built for them….
Alas… I feel adrift and sorrowful that they no longer want my services…. or that they allowed themselves to be persuaded by someone else…. I consider them my friends… I made personal visits to the establishment every month… I championed them as a business… they won a write up in the local paper due to my online work on their behalf… and this is how they repay me? By cancelling my services?
Is it okay for them to move on?
Is it okay for me to move on?
Did I serve them well?
Did they limit how much they would allow me to serve?
Have they grown beyond my capabilities?
Have my capabilities I grown beyond them?
OK. I agree. Perhaps the change is a blessing.
Still, it feels like a loss.
Am I allowed to grieve this?
5 emotions in grief.
I feel better just writing this down.
Thank you.
Is there a lesson here?
Something I could have done better?
Could I have built a better website?
Yes, but they did not allow you to.
They chose the limited services that matched them at the time.
Now that you have expanded who they are through your work,
They now feel ready to grow beyond what you created.
Should I try to get their business back?
It is time for you to move on.
You are capable now of so much more.
Is there a message in this?
Yes. Keep going. Keep growing. Keep giving your gifts.
As you expand and explore in your new energy
of affluence, ease and joy,
newer and better opportunities will come to you.
Prosperity, joy and abundance are flowing your way.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…
I go forward in the calm confidence of divine guidance…
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is only just begun.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Dec 14, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, Mindfulness, SoulTalk |
Two Worries and One Knowing
This morning I said Goodbye to Two Worries…
Two Worries that have colored my world
For as long as I can remember…
And that’s a very, very long time.
I did not realize that these are just worldly worries…
I did not realize how heavy they were to carry…
Nor how many decisions I could have made differently…
And how many more amazing experiences I could have enjoyed…
Had I not ignorantly enlisted these worries as life-long companions.
Because I carried the worries,
I created a world that included them…
A world of efforting and struggle against those two worries…
Which compounded them into four worries…
And those into more worries…
Now I see how truly useless these worldly worries are….
And, now that truth has become evident to me,
I also see that I can lay them down as easily as I picked them up,..
I can surrender these worldly burdens and simply let them go.
This morning I said Goodbye to Two Worries.
Without these Two Worries,
The answer comes readily.
That has been my companion for longer than I can remember.
Just BE the Love you wish to see in the World.
– A SoulTalk message from Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 29, 2016 | Happiness, Jo Lyn's Blog, Life Transitions, SoulTalk |
This Thanksgiving was different.
No houseful of family or guests.
No hours in the kitchen preparing turkey and fixings….
We let our grown children experience their holiday without us…
And as new “empty nesters”,
we chose something different.
He wanted food and football…
I wanted chocolate and sweetness…
and added in some service as well.
Thanksgiving Day with my husband’s sister and her husband…
Dining out, we enjoyed exquisite meals…
Grateful for this experience of Affluence, Ease and Joy…
Then a movie… Marvel Adventures of Dr. Strange…
A traditional doctor of western medicine…
Experiencing a traumatic wake-up-call,
Broadening his awareness into the
World of Energetic Power and Force…
Chakras… Astral Bodies… Dealing with Offensive Entities…
Altered Perceptions… Spells… Crystals…
Manipulating Space and Time… Portals… Vortexes…
“Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My”….
If you understand the world of energy… you’ll love this!!
Friday Football on the Big Screen,
A comfortable night in our own bed,
Saturday morning service at the Seattle LDS Temple,
Then a “quick” trip across the State to visit my sweet Mother….
Who currently lives with the friends who “bought the back pasture”
over 40 years ago, and established their homestead there.
It quickly became evident that her caregivers’ health is precarious.
His bulging disc and 6 months of sciatica pain
led to back surgery scheduled for Monday…
and they had made no provision for extra help for Mother…
just planning to leave her “home alone” while he is in surgery….
Some optimists live in a state of blissful denial…
And keep going despite overwhelming odds…
Until they just can’t anymore.
I know.
I did that.
The ostrich syndrome.
Works only in the short term.
Not for the long term.
Change is always coming.
We can resist… and struggle…
Or accept… and shape the change…
Leave my 94 year old Mother “Home Alone”?
We decided to stay longer….
“What if he doesn’t get better, Jo Lyn?” she asked. “What shall we do?”
I lean toward her in compassionate strength…
“We will deal with it together, one step at a time.”
He no longer has the strength to serve Mother’s needs,
And she is too frail to manage the wheelchair…
And it’s clear to us that it’s time for her to move.
But six months ago she adamantly refused the offer of change….
A Sunday evening open discussion at my brother’s home
produced three good options from which Mother can choose.
Meditative prayer and Soultalk sessions.
Intuitive guidance received.
A list of specific actions to perform for specific family members.
So much to do, in this healing process of love…
Mother requested an outing to the bookstore on Monday.
She selected her books and went to the check stand…
Where a 60’s something customer stood by,
Who, “in-cahoots” with the clerk,
Paid for Mother’s books before she could even get out her wallet.
“Merry Christmas”, the lady said.
Surprised and startled, Mother said, “Thank you.
What just happened?” We all laughed, delighted at the exchange.
Three ladies in the store obviously recognized Mother from
her decades of Church service in the community…
But Mother no longer recognized them.
“Mother, she gave you a Christmas gift – she paid for your books.”
“Well, Thank You!” she managed again…
“And Merry Christmas to you, too!”
The ladies gather round, watching, smiling,
as mother slowly makes her way to the door.
“Merry Christmas… Merry Christmas… Merry Christmas….”
In the car, heading home, she said again,
“Why did she do that? I don’t know her from Adam or Eve!”
“Mother, she gave herself the gift of giving,
She honored you for your years of giving in the Church and community.
They knew you… perhaps you taught them as children… or led them in song…
or served at a dinner… a funeral… or helped at a wedding…
or knew them in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers….
They knew you, and honored you.
In some way, at some time, you blessed their lives,
and today, in this way, they blessed you with a simple gift.
And in blessing you, it blessed them to be able to give.
Lunchtime. A simple meal.
A request for healing for her caregiver,
who was still waiting for his surgery.
“I am concerned for him, and I am concerned for you all…”
opened a gentle discussion with Mother.
Her preferences explored…
An interim support system in activated…
She chooses my brother’s place.
It’s closer, and already designed to serve her mobility needs.
“But I will have to get rid of a bunch of stuff before I move…”
“No worries, Mom, we will help. We can work it all out.”
Traveling home before the roads ice over,
“She wants to come to you… “
I love Mother dearly, and would love for her to come to us…
To care for her for the rest of her days,
However short or long that may be.
But to be able to manage her needs with ease,
Another change is needed.
Unpacking, in a quiet moment,
I sense my departed father near.
“Hello, Dad,” I say. “Are we doing okay for Mom?”
Is it right for her to go to my brother’s place?
Do you want her to come to me?
Then here’s what I need you to help me with…
A more generous size home.
Closer to my husband’s work.
And within our stated budget.
There are Angels Among Us…
On both sides of the veil.
Aligning all for the highest and best good.
Blessing energy flows abundantly,
Bathing us all in an abundance of Affluence, Ease and Joy,
As much as we are willing and ready to receive…
I am grateful for this Gratitude Weekend…
For the spiritual gifts I am able to activate for myself and others…
for the results of my SoulTalk healing sessions…
Empathic clearing of ancestral and present emotions….
The feedback I am beginning to receive is amazing…
My sister’s disability released enough that she was able
(and courageous enough) to drive her car for the first time in 12 years.
My nephew now free of rage that trapped him for years in fear and pain and isolation.
My disabled son now working… taking on life responsibilities in a new way….
Funds sufficient for our needs…
Simple, but profound, the blessings are flowing…
A real estate transaction resolution… “Your check is ready”…
I am excited to see what shows up next.
Thank you, thank you, thank you….
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 11, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, SoulTalk |
Soul Talk Meditations
SoulTalk meditations dig deep into the past
Discovering myriads of inherited ancestral sorrows…
Opening a Pandora’s Box of anguish experienced by generations past…
Echoing, unresolved, compounded through the ages…
Resonating through time, dimension, space and reality…
Twisting our current mortal reality with ancient echos of hidden pains…
Troubling us with fears and insecurities,
Clouding our dreams and blocking our growth.
Discovering the raw pain of the human condition.
Why seek I this path of sorrows?
Why do I walk again these painful roads?
Why open these gates of despair and horror,
Hidden humiliation, pride, shame, shock, worthlessness and more…
Exposing anew the old vulnerabilities, despairs and heartaches?
Why not leave this mess hidden in the past?
Why not let the dead stay buried?
Blame love.
Love brought me to this place of compound sorrows.
Blessed with my own mortal travesty,
Defeated, lost and broken, I asked,
“Can I come home now?”
“No, said Death.
You’re not allowed” and stepped aside.
Divine Light found a window…
Compassion touched my forlorn heart
And said that faith could make me whole.
That there is more that I am meant to do
Among the souls of men.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…”
“See that ye take care of these sacred things…”
I read the words.
The Spirit whispers.
And I have learned to listen.
Prayerful, meditative communion with God,
The Great Creator of All Things.
The Master Healer.
“See that ye look to God and live.”
Sacred Gifts.
The gift of healing.
The gift of intercessory prayer.
The gift of empathy.
The gift of writing.
The gift of soul connection.
The gift of hope.
The gift of Love.
The gift of joy.
The frailties and transient pains of my own body reveal
The anguished cries of souls long dead…
They cry out from the dust,
Trapped in the terror of unbelief from ages past,
When the Light withdrew,
Leaving them alone,
Subject to the ravages of darkness, violence and force
Of the centuries in which they lived.
I feel them.
Connected in the wee hours of the morning
I feel the spirit speak.
I ask, and the discovery charts reveal the issues ready to be released…
Do I need to know what it is?
Do I need to know where it came from?
Do I need to know how many felt this?
Can I clear this now?
I send all to the Light of God
Where the sorrows are transmuted,
Where souls are received by Angels
And guided to their next level of progression.
Once cleared, then comes a still-point moment between moments,
A quantum resting where the energies shift and settle
To a new level of perception.
A freedom from the past.
A deep breath of clarity.
And a new beginning.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It has only just begun.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Sep 28, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads |
Ancestral Clearing: Clearing Away the Unseen Forces and Soul Contracts that Affect our Daily Lives
This morning, I experienced an unusually ferocious wave of anger at finding myself in the middle of multiple urgent problems, both of which are complicated issues requiring hours of resolution time, none of which were of my making, and for which there is no possibility of compensation…
A veritable vortex of madness ensued…
Anger that “I had to do it all myself”…
Furious that it seems that I am somehow
always made responsible to resolve other people’s issues…
Anger that “Life is always such a struggle”…
Blankety-blank mad that the tough stuff all falls to me…
In frustration hit the wall with my hand
(I know, totally uncharacteristic, right? I never do stuff like that!)
In the middle of my verbal tirade… I stopped…
looked wide-eyed at my husband, and we both said…
“There is something deeper going on here.”
In conscious recognition that my reaction was out of proportion to the problem,
and that there was an immense underlying energetic tidal wave expressing itself through me…
In that moment of awareness of unseen forces affecting my behavior,
I retreated to another room and did an energetic check…
Not surprisingly, I discovered this life event had triggered
five million, three hundred twenty one thousand, one hundred and eleven
ancestral emotions of struggle and pain. (Yes, that number is 5,321,111),
all being expressed through my anger and frustration.
Grateful for my energy clearing skills, I applied my SoulTalk process…
Releasing the old Soul Contract of struggle and pain for millions of ancestors and others all over the world…
Sending it all to the light…
Dissolving the old soul contracts that imprisoned human-kind in the bondage of unconscious awareness for millennia…
I get a mind’s-eye visual of all this negative energy
appearing before the bar of God and it dissipates…
in the twinkling of an eye…
I breathe deeply in relief as the tirade of emotion evaporates out of me…
My natural state of calmness returns…
And with it, my natural sense of inner joy prevails.
The worldly problems that triggered this tidal wave of emotion still await my attention.
But it is okay for me to allow specialists to take care of these issues.
I don’t have to do everything myself.
Life no longer has to be a struggle.
Calmness abides.
My spirit speaks to me…
It seems there is something else to attend to…
One last energetic check in…
A few wayward entities are trying to take advantage
of this huge energy shift to attach themselves to me.
Are they good for me?
Can I send them away?
I use my prayerful meditative process,
calling upon the Light of Christ which is endowed in me
(and in every human being upon their entry into this world of sorrows),
to cast these wayward entities out and away from me,
never to return,
sending them into the stewardship of Divine Light.
Let God be the judge.
Let me be whole.
Peace returns.
One simple phone call (to a specialist)
and three of today’s urgent issues are on their way to resolution.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With God, all things are possible.
“Whenever any difficulty seems to rise, tell yourself quickly: Let me recognize this problem so it can be solved.” – A Course in Miracles
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Dec 3, 2015 | Holistic Healing, Self Improvement, SoulTalk |
“Inside Out” – by Jo Lyn Cornelsen
“Who Am I?
I am ego + spirit + mind + body + thoughts + feelings + more…
So much more… this Soul of Me….
All facets of being me in this physical world are good
and are needed to live purposefully in this world of contrast.
Endeavoring anew to ‘let go and let God’.
Relaxing into awareness and allowing life to teach me…
Measuring success by levels of learning and loving.
This morning I asked God to help me shed my worldly concerns
and live more intuitively in ease and joy.
Immediately I was gifted a mental image of myself
with my fingertips atop my head,
pulling open what appeared to be a whole-body case or shell,
stepping out and away from the stiffness of its form…
The inside is out, and I am free.
Time to open these new wings.”
– Jo Lyn Cornelsen
I share this sacred “Inside Out” poem as an example of one of the astounding personal insights I received during one of my Morning SoulTalk Sessions. The SoulTalk process emerged as my own holistic healing method while I was actively enrolled and practicing Carol Tuttle’s “Soulprint Healing for Affluence” course offered by MindValley in 2015. I now teach my SoulTalk process to my holistic healing coaching students.
SoulTalk is a structured process designed to be used in personal meditation, as a tool for the truth seeker to increase their own insight and awareness into their inner patterns and perceptions. Full completion of each SoulTalk meditative session can increase mind/body/spirit relaxation and self acceptance, empowering the individual in to show up in the world in a more soul satisfying way.
Want to learn SoulTalk for yourself? Check out my Programs page to learn how Transitional Coaching can more easily and effectively help you get from where you are to where you want to be….
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 21, 2015 | Happiness, Holistic Healing, Mindfulness, Relationships, SoulTalk |
Emotions as Teachers
I grew up with the generational belief that emotions were not to be trusted.
As a young teen I was specifically counseled to use my head and not my heart,
by someone who, I now realize, did not know how to harness his own emotions
and express them in positive ways.
I have since learned that emotions are powerful, sacred tools of creation.
I find joy in exploring the messages they bring me.
In this perspective, emotions are my teachers.
Our daily life experiences bring up emotions that teach us – if we are open to the lessons.
Here’s a new insight for me:
My husband is currently commuting during the week to his job… gone for 5 days at a time. Yesterday I felt particularly lonely. My muscle testing process revealed it was my own emotion… not generational… and not related specifically to my husband being away from home.
That was a puzzle…
Until this morning’s SoulTalk … when it was revealed to me that I had associated the emotion of being lonely with old age… somewhere along the way I picked up and held onto the false belief that being old was equal to being lonely. I used my clearing process to let go of that incorrect subconscious belief and the associated emotion of loneliness right away.
I intend to live joyfully all the rest of my days… comfortable and happy when I am in the company of others, and comfortable and happy when I am alone. I would not have even become aware of that unconscious incorrect association if my husband was not away for several days each week.
I am grateful for new insights and the skills and ability to heal holistically…
This personal power to grow and change helps me feel loved by God and the Universe…
Thank you for listening…
It is done, it is done, it is done.
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