by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Feb 20, 2024 | Authentic Wholeness, Holistic Healing, Soul Writer - Jo Lyn, Spirituality |
Dear Higher Self,
Do you have words of wisdom for me today?
Yes of course, dear one.
Remember your nighttime meditation –
your identification of the procession of energies you have been identifying, processing, and releasing?
Grumpy pants, lethargy, and now, grief.
Grief is an energy that many wear.
A coat of many colors so to speak…
for grief has many nuances, many faces, many flavors…
Grief holds the soul in a vise like grip, stopping time in it’s tracks.
You have released the grief you were carrying for others.
Now you feel the grief in your own energy…
Go all the way back to it’s earliest conception.
Your grief was born in the contradictions your spirit encountered in this world of contradiction.
Contradiction is born of perspective.
Perspective is born of experiences,
and it goes round and round, causing misperception and grief everywhere you look.
Do a look-see on the other side of your grief,
and you will find that when viewed from the angle of divine existence,
it wafts away in the wind.
Grief is an energy.
Energies can shift and blow away.
Your grief, when processed out of your energy,
now leaves you in a space of neutrality.
What is on the other side of grief?
You can’t find it if you stay in neutrality.
But you can focus your attention on discerning the opposite of grief,
and identifying what helps you see that.
The opposite of grief, for you, is joy.
Joy is peace. Joy is gratitude. Joy is love.
Do you have those in your heart?
Then you have just accomplished the purposeful experiment of this world –
that is, you have generated greater love from roots of grief through the core node to the stems,
the leaves, blooms, the fruit. .
That is the human experience.
To create intentionally, by choice.
You chose to come here, to experience the opposite of what you wanted to create,
and then to grow beyond it.
Paint now, with your brushes of joy, peace and love.
For in so doing, you are a creator of the universe.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jan 7, 2021 | Authentic Wholeness, Personal Empowerment, SoulTalk, Spirituality |
The soul experiences life as an evolutionary process… we come into this world as helpless innocents, but taking on the inheritance of the accumulated experiences of our ancestors.
As we develop, we learn to adapt our perceptions and ultimately, beliefs, to the story and social structures of the the family and the community we find ourselves in to survive.
To the extent that our early nurturing is supportive and congruent, we grow up healthy, capable and resilient.
To the extent that our childhood is traumatic… we experience the results of adverse childhood experiences and developmental trauma – and find ourselves in hyper-reactiveness, self-limiting beliefs, mis-trust, and a myriad of other attributes that keep us from fully living our gifts and realizing a feeling of life satisfaction and joy ….
Yet regardless of the adversities of life, our soul is always “on-purpose”. In times of adversity, it can be helpful to remember who you truly are… as a divine being in the midst of a physical human experience… for the purpose of soul-growth, personal empowerment, and inner peace.
For me, healing has been a ten year journey of learning how to connect, discern, surrender, express, and set healthy boundaries. I’ve discerned five key components for empowered meditative soul expansion – when I leave any of these components out of my sessions, my results are limited. When I include all 5, my results are expanded exponentially.
I was led to create this mini-course to share what I’ve learned.
I hope you find it helpful on your own soul purpose journey.
Blessings of love and light to you…
Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Aug 21, 2017 | Holistic Healing |
Healing Story:
Betty Marie Lyman Rasmussen age 95 at Point Ruston on Commencement Bay, Tacoma WA, August 19, 2017.
Yesterday we took Mother (age 95) with us to the park at Point Ruston, a new, re-developed waterfront community just outside of Tacoma WA, overlooking Commencement Bay. Sporting a wide brim hat and sunglasses, safe in her wheelchair, she laughed as she saw children playing with their parents in the water spray park, watched families pedal the surrey four wheel cycles up and down Ruston Way Path, and enjoyed a hot fudge sundae while listening to a street singer.
During part of our walk along the bay, she became frightened as she looked down the 10 feet of rock into the deep water. By the time we got home, she was experiencing lower back pain. We thought that an anti-inflammatory, a back rub and a night’s rest may take care of it, but her pain was still there this morning.
She wanted to go to Church this morning just to take the Sacrament, and then leave the meeting and come home and go back to bed. She purposefully left her purse and the hearing amplifier home – which was quite uncharacteristic of her. I reassured her that it is okay to do what is needed to nurture and comfort oneself.
Since there had been no fall or any physical injury, I surmised that there could be underlying trapped emotions that had come to the surface, triggered when she saw the cliff of rocks and the deep water. Muscle testing Q&A revealed a pattern of inherited insecurities and other emotions 16 and 21 generations back. Millions of instances of them. I used the processes I know and released them.
I asked mother if she remembered ever falling down a cliff or into deep water, and she reminded me of one winter many years ago, on their way to their mountain property to get a Christmas tree, their car slid off the icy bridge and into the river. The car sank, but Dad, Mother, and my brother Jim and his wife Gail were able to get out. Chilled to the bone and dripping wet, they managed to scramble up the snowy, rocky riverbank and climb up onto the road. Thankfully, another landowner just happened to come along, and he got them to safety.
The fear and shock of that traumatic experience has been stuck inside Mother all these years. My parents didn’t know how to deal with emotions, so their way of survival was to “suck it up and just keep going”.
But now, knowledge of energy healing modalities gives us the ability to release and balance the underlying mental and emotional components of pain, stress, disease and trauma. We no longer have to internalize and hold on to the pain. We can acknowledge the feelings brought up by our experiences, consciously let them go, and return to a state of calmness.
I used my energy healing processes on her behalf to release the fears and the tension, both her own and ancestral. Muscle testing indicated that the release was complete, but when we got into the chapel, she was still fussy – her hands shaking. I encouraged her to breathe deeply and allow the energy shift – to let go of the fear and the tension, so the pain could be released.
On the way home from church, Mother said that her back pain had eased up, that she is amazed at how powerful the energy healing work is, and that if things keep going like they are, she’ll be with us for many years to come.
Thank you for reading this healing story.
Blessings to all.
– Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Jul 15, 2017 | Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads, Miracles Witnessed |
Divine Sight
Yesterday’s morning meditation became a joyous self-healing session, as I was guided through steps to make sure each part of my body was happy – physically and energetically. Step by step, using muscle testing and yes / no questions, I released trapped emotional hurts from my physical body parts. Bones, muscles, organs, fascia, trunk, limbs, head, chakras, meridians – all “spoke” to me, letting me know what was needed, and relaxing as they were “treated”. Nurturing myself in this way, each part of my body became energetically aligned. I rejoiced in the feeling of wholeness in a visceral, physical way as waves of the spirit washed through me – speaking through feelings of comfort, relaxation, acceptance, peace, joy and happiness in the present moment.
Later that morning, I did an energy healing session for my sister, who had been suffering for weeks with abdominal pain. Her physician didn’t know for sure what was wrong, but wanted her to take an expensive medication that her insurance wouldn’t pay for – and she was unsure what to do. The spirit led me through the healing charts on her behalf, guiding me to cast out energetic ancestral parasites and then scan her body to discover and release trapped emotions, just as it had guided me to do for myself earlier that morning. Several hours later, we spoke, and she indicated the pain was gone.
“How will I know if I still need the medicine later?” she asked.
The answer: “Listen to your body. It’s talking to you all the time through your thoughts, emotions and spirit.
Listen to the still small voice within, and you will know what to do.”
The next day – another early morning meditation. This time, I was prompted to do a complete body scan session for my sweet 95 year old mother. Divine sight guided me through the same process for her – reaching back through generations of time – validating experiences and touching souls on both sides of the spectrum of life experience.
Divine sight then showed me the circle of healing for one particular ancestor, a percentage of the healing process was for her, another percentage for her ancestral lineage, and another percentage for her descendants and all who were affected, first by the pain – and now, all are encompassed within the circle of healing and wholeness.
In gratitude for the intuitive gift of Divine Sight.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is done, it is done, it is done.
Jo Lyn
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Mar 18, 2017 | Authentic Wholeness, Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads, Relationships, SoulTalk |
Subtle Nuances… It’s the Little Things
I’ve worked through those big hurts I used to carry…
Let go of the painful injustices inherent in this world of contrast…
Released the blame I assigned to others for my own inadequacies…
Yes, They are long gone, and for that, I rejoice.
Most often,
My healing feels complete.
I awake each day communing with Spirit…
Letting it lead me step by step.
Nonetheless, I remain in this mortal sphere,
Where nothing stays the same,
And each day or moment brings a lesson…
If I but have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to discern.
Finding myself dealing with unexpected life events…
Things neither of my making nor of my own control,
I endeavor to hold an an attitude of acceptance, calm confidence and assurance.
I take the required action in the moment,
While in my heart I ask,
What has this to teach me?
Thus attuned, I am more sensitive to internal and external shifts.
On occasion I sense small degrees of energetic discord…
Such as occurred during this morning’s Yoga class…
As if exercise or life events open the opportunities
for more energetic clearing…
Yes, I am disappointed in you.
In me?
Is this my own?
Is this ancestral?
From my father?
From my mother?
A mother pattern?
Do I need to know more?
And further questions reveal the feeling of disappointment
was carried by an ancestor 72 generations back….
May I release this now?
Thus released, I momentarily relax and
Follow the Yoga instructor through a few more poses.
Stiffness and pain arise in a joint,
and the questions begin again.
This time, it’s my own insecurities that need releasing.
I lived so much of my life feeling that
I was a disappointment to others,
That I scarcely know how to truly let it go.
Am I addicted to this habit of negativity…
this feeling of being a disappointment to others?
Yet, it lingers?
Yes… the energy and resonance can still linger
after the causation event and the emotion have been released.
Can I release it, every whit?
Thank you…
Empty now.
Do I need to download something else to fill this newly empty
energetic emotional space?
May I choose for myself?
Spirit prompts the words,
And soon,
I have witnessed for myself,
the download of a new measure of acceptance, joy and love
directly from the Great Creator, Himself.
Have I asked amiss?
Is this correct?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I resonate with Spirit in peace.

by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Nov 11, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Jo Lyn's Blog, SoulTalk |
Soul Talk Meditations
SoulTalk meditations dig deep into the past
Discovering myriads of inherited ancestral sorrows…
Opening a Pandora’s Box of anguish experienced by generations past…
Echoing, unresolved, compounded through the ages…
Resonating through time, dimension, space and reality…
Twisting our current mortal reality with ancient echos of hidden pains…
Troubling us with fears and insecurities,
Clouding our dreams and blocking our growth.
Discovering the raw pain of the human condition.
Why seek I this path of sorrows?
Why do I walk again these painful roads?
Why open these gates of despair and horror,
Hidden humiliation, pride, shame, shock, worthlessness and more…
Exposing anew the old vulnerabilities, despairs and heartaches?
Why not leave this mess hidden in the past?
Why not let the dead stay buried?
Blame love.
Love brought me to this place of compound sorrows.
Blessed with my own mortal travesty,
Defeated, lost and broken, I asked,
“Can I come home now?”
“No, said Death.
You’re not allowed” and stepped aside.
Divine Light found a window…
Compassion touched my forlorn heart
And said that faith could make me whole.
That there is more that I am meant to do
Among the souls of men.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…”
“See that ye take care of these sacred things…”
I read the words.
The Spirit whispers.
And I have learned to listen.
Prayerful, meditative communion with God,
The Great Creator of All Things.
The Master Healer.
“See that ye look to God and live.”
Sacred Gifts.
The gift of healing.
The gift of intercessory prayer.
The gift of empathy.
The gift of writing.
The gift of soul connection.
The gift of hope.
The gift of Love.
The gift of joy.
The frailties and transient pains of my own body reveal
The anguished cries of souls long dead…
They cry out from the dust,
Trapped in the terror of unbelief from ages past,
When the Light withdrew,
Leaving them alone,
Subject to the ravages of darkness, violence and force
Of the centuries in which they lived.
I feel them.
Connected in the wee hours of the morning
I feel the spirit speak.
I ask, and the discovery charts reveal the issues ready to be released…
Do I need to know what it is?
Do I need to know where it came from?
Do I need to know how many felt this?
Can I clear this now?
I send all to the Light of God
Where the sorrows are transmuted,
Where souls are received by Angels
And guided to their next level of progression.
Once cleared, then comes a still-point moment between moments,
A quantum resting where the energies shift and settle
To a new level of perception.
A freedom from the past.
A deep breath of clarity.
And a new beginning.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It has only just begun.
by Jo Lyn Cornelsen | Oct 23, 2016 | Holistic Healing, Intuitive Downloads, SoulTalk, Spirituality |
Clearing Offensive Energies
Recently I intuitively received a new question to ask when clearing trapped emotions:
Along with checking which emotion it is,
and which ancestor it came from,
I am now to ask:
“Do I need to know how many?”
If yes, sometimes I discover multiple instances of the same emotion,
and am given to know whether or not they can be cleared all at once.
Also, I have been physically feeling offensive energies not my own…
attached not to me, but to my dead ancestors.
Today I released an energetic saboteur – a spear –
from a Mother 11 generations back.
It felt as if the spear was in my own body…
stabbing through my left bicep and all the way
from left to right through the trunk of my body,
coming out through my right kidney….
There was so much pain I could not stand up straight and walk.
I’ve been doing a bit of Yoga, so I thought the soreness was simply from increased exercise,
But the pain, intense and debilitating,
was out of proportion to my mild physical exertion.
So bothersome it is to not be able to easily stand up and walk
that I finally stopped and asked,
“Is this a saboteur”?
“Is it a hidden saboteur”?
Then I understood… and took care of it.
This process called energy healing is quite intuitively instructive.
I have learned that evil spirits (in addition to other offensive energies like saboteurs and curses)
can stay attached to the spirits of the mortal humans they persecuted in life,
even after death. I have cast out evil spirits off and away from ancestors
so the ancestors could be free to find their way to the light.
One such instance was so visually graphic…
twenty-one spirits with evil intent resisted leaving
spewing away in a whirling dervish of anger and gnashing of teeth…
They did not want to go to the light… but they knew they must,
when in my intercessory prayer, I called upon the name of the Savior.
I sent them to the Light to be accountable before God….
Sometimes in this work, evil spirits seek to attack or oppress me…
Again, it is usually in form of some physical pain…
Or an untoward extreme and unusual emotion.
I do not seek to contend with them,
Nevertheless, I am unafraid, as God has given mankind
the power to overcome evil, through choice.
Evil spirits are those who did not keep their first estate,
but in fear, chose to oppose their Creator in the pre-mortal world,
thus losing their opportunity to receive a physical body here.
In their frustrated anger and jealousy,
they attempt to thwart the progression of those who did come
to receive physical bodies and have a learning experience here on earth.
These, in their anger, attempt to keep me from sending souls to God.
But the joke is on them…
because I send THEM to the light…
where they must be accountable to God….
I like to think that God, being both just and merciful,
has prepared a place for them, too.
I have also sent millions of wayward spirits to the Light…
those spirits of souls who stayed here after death,
not knowing where to go.
These announce their existence through a word in my mind,
or an intuitive impression, but more often in the form
of unusual or unexpected aches or pains in my physical body.
Physical pain is not my preference for becoming aware of their presence,
nonetheless, the method does work.
I cannot NOT pay attention….
Sometimes I tire of it all and I ask,
Can they do this for themselves?
Yes, they can.
Then why am I asked to do this?
For your learning and growth.
Other times, the answer is No,
these cannot do it for themselves,
They died knowing nothing of God or the Light,
and have spent eons adrift,
waiting for lightworkers who have learned enough to to be able to guide them.
Some died in darkness, and need release and resolution
to free them from offensive energies or trapped emotions
which they experienced in their mortal life.
When ready, they find me or another lightworker such as I,
drawn to the portals of Light created in our process of healing ourselves
and all generations past, present and future.
Ancient scripture states, “Seek and ye shall find.”
And they come, one by one or in the millions, seeking the Light.
I say, turn and look, and they see it…
Go to the Light, is the command.
Be received by the Great Creator of All Things.
Go, and discover the next step of your own soul’s progression,
Go, and seek your Salvation, your happiness
through the Great Creator of All Things.
This visual is joyful.
I see them welcomed into the outstretched arms of the Lord,
guided by angels who patiently await their coming.
Sometimes I receive intuitive messages from specific ancestors…
or I must clear multiples of hidden emotions and I wonder why so many…
At times I grow weary.
Do I need to set limits and boundaries on the work, and just say no?
Can I just simply clear what needs to be cleared for my own self,
and be done with all this energy clearing and able to get on with my life?
Yes, momentarily.
I can take a break.
I breathe deeply, grateful for this breath that sustains my life,
Then ask, “is there more to clear right now?”
And then I discover there is just one more…
Just one… which is my own…
and in humble gratitude of personal discovery,
I am able to let it go.
I am finding that my life experiences give ample opportunity for me to practice wholeness.
Events that used to trigger fear in me are now simply practice opportunities.
The more old energies I clear away,
the greater my personal power to simply be myself…
to increase and hold to a greater frequency of energy,
and remain in calm confidence
amidst the seeming chaos of this universe.
Oh the amazing world of energy healing….
I am learning so much,
and I am so very grateful for this work.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It is done, it is done, it is done.
Jo Lyn
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