Two Worries and One Knowing
– A SoulTalk message from Jo Lyn
– A SoulTalk message from Jo Lyn
SoulTalk meditations dig deep into the past
Discovering myriads of inherited ancestral sorrows…
Opening a Pandora’s Box of anguish experienced by generations past…
Echoing, unresolved, compounded through the ages…
Resonating through time, dimension, space and reality…
Twisting our current mortal reality with ancient echos of hidden pains…
Troubling us with fears and insecurities,
Clouding our dreams and blocking our growth.
Discovering the raw pain of the human condition.
Why seek I this path of sorrows?
Why do I walk again these painful roads?
Why open these gates of despair and horror,
Hidden humiliation, pride, shame, shock, worthlessness and more…
Exposing anew the old vulnerabilities, despairs and heartaches?
Why not leave this mess hidden in the past?
Why not let the dead stay buried?
Blame love.
Love brought me to this place of compound sorrows.
Blessed with my own mortal travesty,
Defeated, lost and broken, I asked,
“Can I come home now?”
“No, said Death.
You’re not allowed” and stepped aside.
Divine Light found a window…
Compassion touched my forlorn heart
And said that faith could make me whole.
That there is more that I am meant to do
Among the souls of men.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…”
“See that ye take care of these sacred things…”
I read the words.
The Spirit whispers.
And I have learned to listen.
Prayerful, meditative communion with God,
The Great Creator of All Things.
The Master Healer.
“See that ye look to God and live.”
Sacred Gifts.
The gift of healing.
The gift of intercessory prayer.
The gift of empathy.
The gift of writing.
The gift of soul connection.
The gift of hope.
The gift of Love.
The gift of joy.
The frailties and transient pains of my own body reveal
The anguished cries of souls long dead…
They cry out from the dust,
Trapped in the terror of unbelief from ages past,
When the Light withdrew,
Leaving them alone,
Subject to the ravages of darkness, violence and force
Of the centuries in which they lived.
I feel them.
Connected in the wee hours of the morning
I feel the spirit speak.
I ask, and the discovery charts reveal the issues ready to be released…
Do I need to know what it is?
Do I need to know where it came from?
Do I need to know how many felt this?
Can I clear this now?
I send all to the Light of God
Where the sorrows are transmuted,
Where souls are received by Angels
And guided to their next level of progression.
Once cleared, then comes a still-point moment between moments,
A quantum resting where the energies shift and settle
To a new level of perception.
A freedom from the past.
A deep breath of clarity.
And a new beginning.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It has only just begun.
Across the Pond Where the Whippoorwills Sing
Last week at our family reunion I received a Priesthood blessing
confirming my gift of healing, and was told that it is time for me to step into using it fully
on behalf of myself, my family, my ancestors and for those who come to me for healing.
I was blessed with increased intuitive capacity to know when those around me are ready for healing, and how to best help them.
I was blessed to be healed myself in body, mind, spirit and soul, and that from this time forward my life will be pure joy.
But then…
Yesterday, while accompanying my disabled son
to a medical visit, the SS office, the bank and apartment hunting…
my body became increasingly pained,
heavy, sluggish, overwhelmed,
slow to move,
and more less-than-joyful symptoms…
I was so grateful to make it back home (2 hour drive) about 9 pm…
And before my husband came home from work,
I struggled,
Lumbering about the house…
Struggling to put my luggage away…
Full of physical pain,
Barely able to move from one room to another…
Every joint and tissue aching from the inside out…
It finally got my attention enough that
I stopped and asked.
Is this knee pain ancestral?
Can I release it?
Do I need to know more about it?
Anger flared.
I felt intruded upon by my ancestors.
But I did the muscle testing and discovered
The pain came from 252 generations back,
from my mother’s father’s line…
Released it, but felt pressured to do more…
As if they were lining up to hit me with their pains
One at a time…
Myriads of them…
And I became discouraged,
Thinking that my physical pain and suffering would never end…
And I lost my temper.
I yelled out loud at my ancestors.
I rebuked them for burdening me physically
with the pain and agony they felt
while in their mortal lives.
I told them their lives were their own.
That while I was happy to help
Out of love,
That the responsibility for their own salvation
Is a sacred communication
between each one of them and God…
That I can facilitate their healing
but not carry their burdens…
And I said, “NO MORE!”
I told them I was promised complete healing
in body, mind, spirit and soul
and a life full of joy,
but this physical debilitation is not joy.
Still suffering with the resonance of pain,
I retired for the night.
Grateful to be able to sleep safely
In my comfortable, just right, bed.
Early this morning…
A song came into my mind.
Tune and words complete,
A lilting melody…
“Across the pond
Where the whippoorwills sing,
I lost my heart
And gained a ring.
I lost my heart
And gained a ring,
Across the pond
Where the whippoorwills sing”.
I felt the lightness and joy of the song.
Moving carefully,
I arose.
Still woozy from yesterday’s pain,
But a little better, as always, after a night’s rest.
The song came again…
And I sang it…
Feeling the tune until I got it right…
My voice stronger and clearer than it has been in years.
Intuitively, I asked…
Is this my song?
Is it a song of an ancestor?
Will I find it online?
Am I to know this ancestor?
Muscle testing found her…
32 generations of mothers back…
She lived in England long ago…
And she serves me now,
As one of my guardian angels,
Giving me whatever I ask for in this life.
Did I ask for pain?
And you gave it to me?
And now I ask for joy?
And the joy is in the song?
Does it bring you joy to hear me sing it?
Then I shall sing,
And share the joy.
Yours… and mine…
in the singing…
“Across the pond,
Where the wind blows free
I met my love
And he met me.
I met my love
And he met me
Across the pond,
Where the wind blows free.”
This ancestor,
For whom I have released
Many a pain…
I am now blessed
To be able to receive and share her joy.
Dear Ancestors…
I love you.
I thank you.
You have lived your mortal life
And I am living mine.
I choose to be whole,
I choose for my body to be more
Strong, slender, sound, and full of light.
No more pain.
I have had enough pain.
I am blessed now with complete healing
in body, mind, spirit and soul.
If you lived in this world under a soul contract
Of struggle and pain,
Know that all you need to do
To release that is to
And Accept the Divine Light and Love
Of the Great Creator of All Things….
There is no need for you to give me
Your physical, mental, or emotional pains…
You need but Turn, and Look to the infinite
Love and Light above
Wherein your own salvation lies.
And should you wish to commune with me
I am open to receiving your joy…
Through the veil of consciousness…
I am so excited
To feel and acknowledge
And share
Your joy…
“Across the pond,
Where the waters flow
I found my love
And joy I know…
I found my love
And joy I know…
Across the pond,
Where the waters flow.”
And so it is.
– Jo Lyn Cornelsen
Lesson from The Law of Mirrors: Recently, a client stopped making the promised payments for services he had already received. As money was tight and I don’t particularly enjoy accounting and management of finances, I reached out and expressed my frustration to some of my Facebook friends, saying, “It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher / or lesson appears. I’m enduring a lesson right now that I don’t much like. Wonder what I’m supposed to learn from it. UGH.”
As expected, some of my cherished SoulPrint friends responded supportively:
“You and me both, Jo Lyn! LOLOL! We’ll get it, eventually! Until then, just do what you LOVE!!!!”
“Hang in there! Sometimes it’s complicated. Sometimes it’s to develop discernment of preference.”
“Everything will be good, Jo Lyn Cornelsen! In time the message will reveal itself.”
Encouraged by that loving support, I chose to trust that I would soon understand the purpose in my challenge. As I explored the practical options of dealing with the issue, I made a conscious effort to listen more attentively to the intuitive messages that came my way.
One that showed up was a message about the Law of Mirrors:
“When people insult you, don’t take it personally, but do listen to their words. They are telling you how they see the world, and they are telling you the exact negative qualities that they possess. The Law of Mirrors states that one can only see what’s in them, regardless of what is actually present in reality or not. Release the need to defend or try to explain to them that you’re not being whatever-nasty-insult-they’ve-thrown-at-you, but evaluate instead, all of these insults, and realize that this is who they are. Then, decide if a person with those qualities is one who you’d like in your life – or not.”
Further, my friend Adrianna Hirschman shared some of her wisdom: “In my personal experience, the other is always a mirror of ME. If the other is showing negative traits that triggers me then it means I also share the same with them, and that’s why they are showing up in my life, so I can see myself”s reflection on them. The opposite is also true, when the other has positive traits, it means I share those with them…. I have been doing experiments with “mirrors” and I can see that they never fail. Pay attention on what you criticize on others….that’s precisely what you need to change on yourself! It is also very true that people can only see in others what they carry in their hearts. We are constantly projecting ourselves on others and vice-versa.”
The message to me: if the Law of Mirrors rings true, then the business challenge I was facing was simply a mirror of my own inner projection of my old familial pattern of economic scarcity and hardship. My intention the past few years has been to release that old scarcity and exchange it for affluence, prosperity, ease and joy. I have made much progress in this process… so why was this same challenge showing up again? Am I still projecting scarcity? I realized this was an opportunity to practice what I have been learning about the law of attraction. But how could I turn this negative into a positive? I wasn’t quite sure, but I do know that I cannot control other people’s perceptions, beliefs or actions. I can only control my own. Still in a quandary, I took a deep breath and prayed for guidance.
Then another message crossed my path – aTEDxBayArea video of Anita Moorjani, who explained her dying experience, her awakening, her healing, and the 5 biggest lessons she learned in the process. This was exactly what I needed to hear at the time – especially her lesson number one. Here’s some of my notes from the last half of her TED Talk.
“…So much more exists simultaneously and alongside the things that you can see. So much more exists than what we have experienced. When you flash your awareness on something, it becomes your experience. There can be something else right there, but if you don’t flash your awareness on it, you won’t even notice it. Think of the billions of dollars we are spending on cancer awareness. Think of all the cancer awareness campaigns. Imagine if we put that much money, energy and effort into wellness awareness, what a different world we would have. Imagine if we put all our effort into peace instead of into fighting and wars,
we would have a very different world.
5 lessons Anita Moorjani learned from dying and her choice to return to life:
ONE: The most important thing we have to focus our awareness on is love. One of the things I learned, is that one of the reasons I got cancer, is that I didn’t love myself. That is hugely important. When we love ourselves, we value ourselves. When we value ourselves, we teach people how to treat us. When you love yourself, you find no need to control or bully other people, nor do you allow other people to control or bully you. So loving yourself is as important as loving everybody else. And the more you love yourself, the more love you have to give other people.
TWO: The next biggest lesson I learned, is to live life fearlessly. Most of us are brought up on a diet of fear. We are taught to fear everything. I feared just about everything. People think that fear keeps you safe. That’s absolutely not true. Love keeps you safe. When you love yourself, and when you love other people, you’ll make sure you keep yourself safe and that you keep other people out of danger’s way. Love keeps you much safer than fear does.
THREE: The third thing I learned that is so important, is humor, and laughter and joy. We’re born knowing this stuff. We’re born knowing it’s important to laugh, because that’s what kids do all the time. We’re born knowing love and fearlessness. But it gets conditioned out of us as we grow up. Laughter is so important… and humor… and finding your joy in life. It’s more important than any other spiritual activity that you can think of, and if our politicians learned to laugh, we’d have a very different world. If we had more laughter, we’d have less people with illness, you’d need less hospitals and you’d need less prisons as well.
FOUR: The fourth thing I learned is that life is a gift. It really is. Most of us live as if life is a chore. But it shouldn’t be that way. And it’s unfortunate that only when we lose something that we value do we really realize the true value of it. It took me losing my life to realize the value of my life. I don’t want other people to make the same mistake, which is why I’m standing here sharing my message. Because I don’t want people to realize, when it’s too late, the value of their life. Your life is a gift. Even the challenges that come to you are a gift. When I had cancer, that was the biggest challenge I could ever have. But today, when I look back on it, I feel it’s the biggest gift I could ever have. I thought the cancer was killing me, but actually, I was killing myself before I got cancer. The cancer saved my life. All your challenges are gifts. In the end, you will always find that your challenges are a gift. And if you’re in a challenge, and it doesn’t feel like a gift yet, it means you haven’t got to the end yet.
FIVE: The fifth and final thing which is so important that I learned, is that the most important thing for you is to always be yourself. Be as you as you can be. Shine your light as brightly as you can. Embrace your uniqueness. Just realize and get to know who you are, love yourself unconditionally, and just be yourself. And with those five things, I invite you to go and live your life fearlessly. Thank you very much
Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea”.
That first lesson was specifically for me, in that moment. I’ve always been a giver – a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a healer, a nurse, a caregiver, an employer, a volunteer … and I happily served in all those roles. But eventually, I developed physical illness – brought on by chronic stress… and the basis of that chronic stress was inner conflicts. My physical illness was different than Anita’s cancer, but Anita Moorjani’s story of discovering a spiritual basis for her physical illness paralleled my own… I, too, had been spiritually killing myself. I realized that all my giving had a needy, scarcity component to it – a seeking for validation from others. This did not mean I was a bad person, or that my service to others had been in vain. I simply realized that my illness held a message for me… that I did not value or love myself as much as I should – that I valued others more than myself… and my lack of self love was simply another aspect of the old scarcity mentality.
In gratitude for this increased awareness and understanding of The Law of Mirrors, I prayed again, and listened further.
What could I do specifically toward resolving the challenge with this client? No particular answer was forthcoming, so I grabbed a pen and paper and did a little exercise I had heard about from Esther Hicks. I drew a line down the center of the page. On the top left side of the line I wrote “ME” and on the right I wrote “GOD, ANGELS AND THE UNIVERSE”. Under ME, I wrote what I knew I could do that day… and my little list had nothing to do with the business issue. Under “GOD, ANGELS AND THE UNIVERSE” I wrote a big list of things that I was concerned about, but had no real control over, including this business challenge. With the intention of being open to resolving the issue without legal intervention, I wrote a short email to the client, asking him to call me. Then I gave it all to”GOD, ANGELS AND THE UNIVERSE”, and I left the house.
A few moments later, I received a phone call from the client. I parked safely and engaged in a phone conversation. I was able to be respectful, but I did not allow him to bully me… and he agreed to resume his payments to completion of all that was owed.
This Law of Mirrors message, and the gift in this challenge, is the gift of having increased awareness about more aspects of the old energy that I can now release, and a confirmation that as I trust in Divine Guidance and take intuitive positive action, all will work together for good. I pray that in sharing my experience, that those who read this will be blessed.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
It is done, It is done, It is done.
Jo Lyn
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